Mind controled ou of AB

no there shouldn’t be. but sadly they will remove it from AB as well like they did for WSG

I saw someone in AB last night with a deserter debuff. I’m still trying to figure out how thats possible.

Shouldn’t be? So you think it is ok to get kicked out of a BG you waited over 20 mins to get in? And get a debuff that removes you of the queues of another BGs, something after you have been awaiting for over 1 hour? This is not normal gameplay, like dying and rezzing, or stealing raid bosses, this is ****ing some1 else’s play.

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I don’t pvp, but can’t people just cancel the MC right after a jump and the player is still shot through the portal?

Thats actually kinda funny.

OP sounds like one mad :cow2:.

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It is clever usage of game mechanics. I endorse a player who can pull something like that


Like most development teams they’re paid to work and not think. Creative thinking can be viewed as insubordination which leads to potential termination of employment. Don’t believe me…ask Xelnath.

was that the dude who got fired for giving warlocks everything they ever wanted?

Yep that’s the one.

If you rolled alliance you could be a pally and just break it with your bubble. You just chose the wrong faction. Time to reroll and get gud.

Xelnath iirc was the brainchild behind the MoP warlock builds… what many of us warlocks consider the most fluid and fun to play specs ever created, for any class.

And yes, eventually his overconfidence and comments (from what i hear at least) eventually wore out his welcome at Blizz. :frowning:

But yes its crazy. If they know that trashcans want to grief other players by mind-controlling them out of WSG, how can they not also believe that the same griefing would occur in another? Sigh.

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This, the dev team is working to make a living, not make wow good.

It’s a vicious cycle.