Mike Morhaime Said WoW Became Anti-Social

I agree with this, that spamming trade for that purpose is work.

But there’s a modicum of truth to this.

WoW never was really social. (outside of guilds)

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Forcing people to interact isn’t the same as socializing. Get real.


Oh I’m a sucker for reaction gifs in discord. I’m sad I can’t use my gifs here on the forums


I’m unsure if I ever said that, I’m also unsure as to what drew that response.

On that note though, if you’re put into a group project with people in a classroom, I do think you would need to socialize a little bit in order to communicate.

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It most definitely is , you have ppl grading each by a number due to My time my time and my time.

Groups in most cases feel Mandatory than Beneficial . It not like there is a world quest so lets group up and make it easier. We have more of you MUST group up or die content in game.

Third would be real life implications , mobile generation crowd and ppl using games as games and not as a social tool


You literally quoted me where I said forced interaction isn’t socializing or community building. You playing daft on purpose?

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This is just how I like it. It really seems like a win/win. Those that want to socialize, still can and in fact are much more likely to get to higher reward levels. Those like me that prefer very little interaction still can see all content, just not at a level that rewards the best gear.

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I didn’t challenge that idea, I just said there was a modicum of truth to players on the same server running dungeons together having an affect on server communities.

Is there a reason for instant hostility?


There ain’t no hostility here, Champ; so check yourself before you project.

Just because a teacher forces you to work together doesn’t mean you are making friends or building a community. You can’t force socialization, that’s not how humans function.


To be fair my guy. Text can make a lot of kind things sound aggressive. Since there’s no tone or expressions to read off of.


You’re acting like that can’t happen period through that specific interaction.

…Don’t you need to just play the game for that kind of comparison to be true?

It kinda still does. If I meet someone cool while I’m running mythics, I’ll ask to friend them and do stuff with them later. :man_shrugging:

Only difference is now I get a list of people who’re interested, instead of having to spam Trade in the vain hope that someone interested happens to notice my message.

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i sorta view it like work… i work with you… doesn’t mean i like you… if we get along… great… if we don’t… oh well.

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What are you going on about?

The issue Mike brought up for tools like LFR and LFG; means to an end. They didn’t magically make people less social, it means the people who didn’t want to have to soak trade and be judged can just do the content and enjoy the game.

Sure, server community is a thing. I okay on Wyrmrest Accord, one of the two biggest RP servers in the world. We gots lots of community, and it doesn’t come from forcing strangers to work together who may not want to.

I’ll give you a nod. There is a tiny bit of truth to what you said. Some folks do bond over shared experiences, even when they are not optimal or optional.

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Sigh, the “good’ol social days”

-Me: Lv.70 Destro Lock LFG Heroic Ramps
-Group Leader: You have Vent?
-Me: Nope Sorry, Deaf
-GL: Time for you to find another game then isn’t it?

Yep, don’t miss them days.



The players were ALWAYS anti-social.

The conveniences made it EASIER for them to be so.


That’s a huge thing. The world has changed. The players have changed. What is tolerated now would have had people pulling out the digital equivalent of tar and feathers back when Vanilla was still ‘raw’.

People have changed, and sadly, not always for the better.

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Ah well least I got youtube for reactions lol