Mike Morhaime Said WoW Became Anti-Social

Loss of social gameplay does not equal anti-social.

Even if there was zero social gameplay that would not equal anti-social.


He’s not wrong, I mean hell the other day someone actually emote chatted back with me and I was happily surprised! Then I got a group that not only said nothing but when we were running back (they ran back after me in gnomer) they decided to do a boss they skipped without saying anything to me. Oh well, just one boss but still frustrating they could at least say “We’re taking ages to get back to you because we wanted to knock this guy out”.

The game was much more social oriented back in Vanilla (classic as well) because you interacted with people on your realm a lot. I did PvP premades with people constantly, raided with my guild, etc. You knew all the top hordies on the other-side.

Come TBC expansion the game started getting less social IMHO. I barely interacted with anyone outside of my guild because there was no real need to do a lot of things we used to do in Vanilla. We also got cross realm BGs and arenas which got rid of the whole competitive pre-made BG side of things.

WOTLK is when the whole social experience got tossed out the window with the looking for group thing. This created the whole “lets clear dungeons as fast possible mentality” and people could just leave without any consequences. You stopped caring about the people you were playing with because you would never play with them again at the end of the dungeon.

Then we got LFR which encourages the same kind of stuff. People join the raids, wipe on a boss/or it doesn’t drop the loot they want, and they just leave. Same issue as above: you stopped caring about the people you were playing with.

Now we got Mythic+ pugs. Same mentality. The only social aspect of the game that remains is within guilds.

Anti-social behavior is the name calling, toxic stuff, etc. that is normalized on the forums, ingame, etc.

Classic is at the point that vanilla was during the same content release time. Most players never leveled up, most of them have left. There’s a few busy worlds, due to a player transfer policy blizzard has pushed. And a lot of dead ones. But we have no data to show how many people play or at what level. The single point in time we heard about at the 1 month timeframe or during the covid quarantine cannot be construed to being a trend of any sort.

I reached level 60 soloing world content. A fair number of people did, because you could do that. It was considered a legitimate way of leveling during classic.

I had people on my friends list who would contact me when they needed a tank.

Kind of like today.


Right now LFG auto pairs you with a group and tosses you in a dungeon and once it’s done you kinda auto seperate on your own.

What if LFG paired you with a group in a room with portals to all open dungeons. Then you feel like it’s group first then dungeon 2nd, and your more likely to stay for a few then you are just for the one.

Also add quests in where you get rewarded for doing a few. The longer you stay in the same group with the same people the more chance there is of a interaction.

They could also create a toolbar filled with pre-set typing macro’s you can make, so you don’t have to try typing things on the fly. Set buttons for the basic’s then all your cheesy jokes. This would help people to open up.

Basic common sense appears to escape you.

Or, spend more time building systems that encourage players to interact. Eliminate realm boundaries for guild membership to start. Let people find community and do content with that community.

Then, delete the nonsense that is LFD and LFR and all other forms of auto group creation.

Why you need a game to force you to be social, or you need it to be social? MMO or not, it should be your choice to socialize with people or not.

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This might sound harsh, but isn’t he one of the people that took part in selling out to activision? If so, maybe he’s not someone we should be looking to for guidance.

Yes, it does escape you. Let me know why the community is so toxic in Classic then.


Because the people who derive personal self worth from a 15 year old version of a video game aren’t exactly representative of modern WoW players. Again, common sense.

I’m definitely more anti-social in the game than I was 10 years ago, nevermind 15 years ago. Too many conveniences at the click of a button. We’re past the point of no return though, for many many years, and I wouldn’t really want to go back.

This x100000000 and beyond.

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LFD and LFR will always need to exist so long as those who choose the groups get too picky and lock out those that do not wish to lead a group. The honest truth is that there is always going to be a portion of the population that does not want to start the group at all. And if you ignore that FACT you kill your own game. We all hate our jobs, but very few of us go out and start their own company. We don’t all have that go-get em fire and guess what, that’s NORMAL!

The automatic group finder tool, is just that a tool. The only reason the tool is hated is because it puts you with people you don’t like…thus your overly picky, thus you create the reason that the group finder NEEDS to exist.

People can’t learn to play, unless they play. People (namely tanks and heals) who make the groups often create a catch 22 situation.

LFD and LFR are tools, tools you don’t have to use, no one is forcing you. The lack of socialization is on those who refuse to socialize. Every time you don’t give someone the time of day because their IO score is too low…Guess what your part of the problem. Don’t blame that on a simple auto select feature designed to help out those that just want to do their role without taking up the mantle of leadership.

How about you try being social and don’t blame everything on a tool.


First off…

Bloody necromancy…

Second. It isn’t that hard to be social. Compliment a transmog. Ask if someone needs help if you see them struggling. Offer to group to share spawns. It isn’t that hard to be social. Even someone like me who easily gets really annoyed at people can be social.

You don’t need to be forced artificially by limiting QoL mechanics.

(yeah, I edited. It’s late and my post didnt sound right to me :P)


But that’s the mentality. It’s basically hey, they won’t talk to me because I act like a stuck up jerk so instead of improving myself I’m going to cut off all avenues of escape and force them to socialize with me.

Nope nope nope…being a nice person should never be where I start, it’s that evil LFR/LFD that’s to blame!

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No it became anti social when they started to double down and as ghost crawler put it stop making a game for everyone’s grandma. Cata and beyond every expansion they focus on the 1% of the player base mythic this and that; and when they are done with that they look for ways to milk the whales.

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/Sorry, caps.


Nope. People changed. Everything is about speed running .


Only to someone that does not understand that the game has changed to adapt to the people and their preferences, not the other way around.