Might of Stormwind Buff dropping in Era

Please remove the SoD and Cata stuff from Era.


I donā€™t mind little changes here and there for Vanilla. I like the Rend Buff and the raid timer, but absolutely hate the new guild section. Let me just hit O and have the regular guild frame back up. I donā€™t care to have the guild chat have itā€™s own thingā€¦

I agree with this entirely. Iā€™m still playing era DESPITE all the changes theyā€™ve added, not a single one of which I was or am happy about. With each addition of more retail garbage you alienate more and more players that love classic and signed up to play classic, not retail-lite. This latest patch finally has me evaluating whether or not to continue playing era (the only reason I have a sub).

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Alliance rend buff is here!!! LETS GOOOOOO. ALL ELSE IS COPE.


Iā€™ll correct myself here. Apparently it does work. The person in my party whose loot it was for didnā€™t pick it up :wink:

I just did an UBRS on Alliance. Rend head dropped, it was white quality, so thereā€™s no roll for it. For the heads Iā€™ve seen turned in, thereā€™s no npc /yell warning, and you can get a second copy of the buff even if you have one booned.

Leave it to blizz to screw up the game, not shocked

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Great change, keep it on era.

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Please fix this. The factions should not always be equal. The quirkyness and needing to interact with other players to get WCB is fun. This just makes people go out into the world less.


Every time there are changes some people like the change others think they are unwanted but the easiest way to keep everyone happy is no changes.
They are just hoping they can turn a bug into a feature without community outrage and call it a day.
Just donā€™t be surprised when more stuff like this creeps in with the next SoD content patch and it is something you actually disagree with.


Should let the horde griefers continue dedicating hours of their day to griefing pve warriors

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This didnt age very well. Yeah just chil man. Lol.

There currently appears to be an issue with this on the Mankrik cluster (A). The cooldown recently was said to be 1min, but the droppers were unsuccessful today at 7:45 server time to go along with the other WBs, and it looks like nobody got the MoS this time around.

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