Microsoft Buying Blizzard and Mac Support

I actually still have an old PowerMac that would run your CD.

I think this is the correct take.

The offical press release is titled “Microsoft to acquire Activision Blizzard to bring the joy and community of gaming to everyone, across every device.”

One of the goals of this acquisition is to make Microsoft an entertainment and gaming behemoth. It can’t accomplish that goal without being multiplatform.

Really? Multiplatform is what exactly? Linux support? Given that the developer staff for the Mac side of things at Blizzard is virtually non-existent and there is no attempt to hire anyone to fill such a role, common sense would tell you that the Mac platform is the least important platform to them.

You can dominate a market as a whole without dominating every aspect of the market. Windows dominates because it makes up the largest market share, not because it is the best.

Desktop gaming on a Mac is doomed because no one cares to develop for it. The motto is, if they really want to play our game, they’ll buy a PC or get an XBOX… et al. That’s what title exclusivity is all about, to get you to buy into their ecosystem, it’s not about them supporting yours.

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This just isn’t how Microsoft is thinking anymore, at least in the big picture. Subscription services is their long game, and Microsoft has been doing what it can to get more platforms supporting their cloud gaming service.

I think it’s good for Mac users that Microsoft is taking over Blizzard, but even if I’m wrong about that I would go out on a limb and say that it is definitely not going to make things any worse because it makes zero sense for Microsoft to take WoW away from customers who are willing to pay.

It’s all speculation but that’s what I think.

They need to continue to support Mac. I invested completely in Apple Silicone so ill be one less player if they abandon the Mac client.

Actually, thats a lie, ill get a Windows desktop to play WoW. The addiction is real, even after all these years… but not retail… retail sucks.

My first completed game was Tides of Darkness on my Performa 6200CD :slight_smile: good times!

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Microsoft pretty much started as a software company for Macintosh PC. Later they did their own OS and had rocky relationship, Apple falling into obscurity until Jobs revived them and now ARM transition.

Microsoft doesn’t really affects game studios they buy - if they continue to make good games. I doubt Apple ARM would be axed just because of Microsoft politics, this isn’t Balmer era. Also Blizzard has a native Windows on ARM client and there is some works from other ARM chip makers to enter that niche. Blizzard experience could actually be used to help other games go double-ARM on Windows and macOS.

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Pathways into Darkness FTW. :slight_smile: