MG Channel/Discord Server Listing Thread

Soooo much work has gone into this post. Thank you Jab’trah! I was touched to see our little goblin IC channel make this list.

A fabulous resource for everyone on Moon Guard. Rock on!


True, a fair concern but as mentioned on the Discord. This thread will prove a boon for the overall community on Moon Guard on both factions, given how long it took me to make this thread. It’ll open doors for RP’ers of all sorts with the doors of entry now having an easier method of accessing them and not going through numerous Discord servers.


Very nice, informative post with all these links. Thank you

The Thalassian Elf one is expired

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Fantastic work Jab! We don’t deserve you!

For those who don’t know Jab’Trah has been busting his hump for everyone over at AHRSG and is a gem to have around! :heart:


Appreciate catching that one, Moranai, I appreciate it!

As for future Discord Servers and channels, I have a convenient form for each below.

If you wish to have your own discord server listed here, please fill out the following form:

Discord Server Name:
Discord Server Link: (Try and make it a Permanent one)
Small Description:
Category: (Server Community, Alliance, Horde, Class, Race, General WoW RP, Event Organization, Misc RP, Cross-Faction/Server)

If it’s an in-game channel, please fill out the following form:

In-game Channel Name:
Small Description:
Faction: (Horde or Alliance)

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Gnomish Safe Haven is a RP hub for Gnome RPers!
Join today!
Disc: E6zhTWw


I appreciate the Gnome Discord server! I spent a lot of time diving and trying to look for a Gnome one to no avail, so I’m quite glad that there is one!


Thanks for this. I joined a couple last night. Being someone who has predominately kept to herself in the past I didn’t know who to ask about discords etc.

Lovely job, Jabtrah!

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You’re very welcome, Star! I do hope it allows you to partake further into the community, be it Alliance or Horde!


Giving a much needed bump to this Listing thread since it’s a massive boon for everyone!


Appreciate the input and post, Aran! o7

This is well put.
Do the General RP discord servers consists of all realms? (Moonguard, Wyrmrestaccord, emerald dream etc…)

Are there events coordinated between all realms?

Also are all rp realms connected?
So guild invites can be sent to any realm?

Thank you for listing my Goblin discord"The Goblin Coliseum" here. Its nice to see new faces every now and then. All except trolls and haters are welcome.

I had no idea there were so many great rp resources out there!!! Thank you for compiling it!

Primarily this is for the Moon Guard server and there are a few exceptions who are cross-server (Like the race centric servers for the most part. Exclusion of that is the San’layn one), the Tourney of Ages and Warcraft Conquest.

This compilation is exactly for folks like you! So I’m heartened that you are putting it to good use.

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You are very welcome, Rustwell! This is exactly for folks who don’t know where to start and may peak their heads in here.

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Thank you!

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don’t go to these servers if you dont want to be called a multiboxer, accused of multiple things by several guilds because they were told lies about you from a single guild, or even play a pandaren because the guild spreading rumors hates pandaren.