Meta For SL

Can someone give me a quick rundown on what the Meta class/covenant combos will be?

Don’t worry about it.

The game will be much less stressful that way.


Affliction + Necrolords for raiding. Warlock + Venthyr for M+.

We don’t know. The balancing has barely started and they’re even now still adding and removing talents and abilities.


How is mage in SL? probably reroll to mage…

Sad ret pally garbage in shadowlands

MM (with any covenant) will be the best spec in the game in all types of content just like it is now and you should invite us all to groups PRIORITY and give us hugs and gifts.

Not only will it be super OP (way better than BM just like it is in 8.3), but I will stay an MM Hunter, so it will be super stylish and popular too.

There are numbers you can find from certain sites to give you an idea of what things are on the beta, however I’d only look into them to humor yourself of current beta numbers.

Tuning is not final so I wouldn’t be too concerned over it.

Tuning isn’t even close to done so it’s impossible to say.

Just play what you have the most fun playing.

Chasing the fotm fairy leads to frustration.

Why is it always people who don’t do endgame content that pretend to care about meta.

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Who gonna tell him?

Nothing concrete yet but if you read this thread you will see a pattern. If you are a rogue for example, you have one legit option regardless of spec, most classes have 2 great options and a really bad option.

oh no…

I know that pruning was so deep into classes that everyone have problens yet…