Merry Christmas everyone

Merry Christmas!
Happy Hanukkah!
Joyous Festivus!
Happy Kwanza!
Happy holidays to any I have missed!

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You’re going to turn into a Vulpera if you keep eating so many… :open_mouth:

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Only comes once a year so 20 mins from this post it will be Xmas Eve. Happy Holidayz n Merry Christmas all who read

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Not everyone celebrates christmas by the way.

Anyways, merry christmas and happy holidays to everyone else.


Merry Christmas!!! :christmas_tree:


And not everyone who celebrates Christmas, actually celebrates “Christmas.”

I celebrate it as the day my Lord, the living God, was born (or there abouts, yeah, placed around some pagan holiday for convenience, etc.)

Then I celebrate Easter as the time he died and rose from the dead!

But since I believe this, I actually “celebrate” both of those all the days of the year. So I guess you could say I’m like the “reformed Scrooge”, who then kept Christmas in his heart “all the days of the year.”


In other news, water is wet.

Merry Christmas though folks.


What was the point of you replying to me?