Merging the RP-PvP Servers (and others) for TBC

I’ve been since day 1. First couple phases was good size but it was teetering between medium and low for many months around AQ time and now at low. We will need transfers or a reroll event to get above the low/medium see saw.

I think you hit it there. Even DD got people who wanted a lower-pop PvP server and were willing to “put up with” the RP’ers. Now we have people I would call natural denizens (people who wanted an RP server without kid gloves) split between two servers, and both servers bleeding populations from losing people who just wanted PvP content, making it seem like it would be better to merge the rp realms together. I expect

to be correct, though. All in all I don’t mind this mixed culture we’ve developed. It’s just rough right now.

I would prefer to maintain the servers as they are.

DD is certainly low pop, and it can be difficult to get a group going precisely when you want it, but there are also a lot of benefits to a smaller community.

The community on DD is well connected. Becoming a part of the community itself is very important in order to reach goals, and guilds regularly lend and borrow members to achieve things. It’s made for one of my favorite gaming experiences anywhere and one of the reasons even niche guilds like Thunderhoof Tribe (Tauren only), Brotherhood of Blades (rogue only), and others are able to maintain, even on a low pop server.

If the servers do get merged, I am sure both communities will work together just fine. After all, it is your game time, so why not make your server into somewhere worth playing?

Either way I am sure we’ll adapt.

Tauren only with no dispellers? Got restoration pots? Rogue only, what do they do on a server without much world PvP?

I’m hoping Blizz will uplift that:

Along with:

And, a whole list of things, under that same Post, if anybody would like to take a look at it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Deviate, not Deviant!!!

Like I said, we work together to achieve things. It’s not on a grand scale being low pop, but it’s genuine. The limitations require we work together–that’s the best thing about Classic when you have a connected community–you really need to depend upon the rest of the people on the server. It’s not all rainbows, flowers and free oats, but it’s one of the most satisfying game and online community experiences I’ve had.

There’s nothing wrong with Grobbulus, the other low pop ones yes.

There is world pvp if you know where to look. This usually involves seeking out horde at buff times or in their own capital city.

I believe the Thunderhoof Tribe partners with other guilds in order to raid (though I could be wrong.)

While I’d rather not merge with Grobb outright, I’d rather have free transfers one way from the other two roleplaying servers only. This could ensure a steady stream of people who actually want to seek out the server for its intended purpose. And of course, most of us are waiting for prepatch which will hopefully revitalize much of the population.

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