Merged queues?

This isn’t the old guard anymore.
There is no coincidence within modern business.
A boardroom with a table of people who construct ways to boost areas of engagement as they see fit, is what it is now.
Twinking takes away from end game engagement, Classic or Retail.
Nullifying areas which take away from selected avenues where they want to see things occupied is the aim.
I believe in Shadowlands a system will be in place to rush players into the endgame (RNG/Grind/Time Gating) as fast as possible.
Think 1 level gained per BG played…

i am aware its not the same people its pretty obvious with how the games been going lately

  • no pvp vendors
  • separation and now classic as well
    *small thing but goblin glider cant be used on legendary cloak {yes i know about the kits}
  • hardly any pvp changes and the 1s they do they do it to the wrong things usually
    *broken pve gear etc
    i could go on but i will leave it at that for now

Correct, and yet Tailoring can apply the enchant?
The Glider Kits create Gold which Actibliz profits from, there is not a coincidence here.
Corrupted BOEs are selling for more Gold than any other item in the history of this game. Stars and Tents have missed the nerf bat…
Tokens are being sold.
I knew what that Brutosaur mount was created for… and now there is a rush to get it before it is removed.
Shrewd Business practices, which I see clearly.
Crystal Clear. :wink:


The cloak has an on-use when you get it high enough. Can’t exactly have two on-use effects on the same item.

i am aware of that my point is they never think these things through they could easily make some sort of toy or make it another thing you can put on or something so you can use it

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And yet even at Rank 13 Feathery Spellthread can be applied to the cloak.
As documented.
Every penny counts when dealing with Shrewd Business practices.
Goblin Gliders are flying off the shelves.

That’s not an on-use effect. That’s a passive.

Are you even serious? Do you honestly think they did this to make people buy tokens for goblin gliders?

Right… no issues here!

Maybe it went down like this:

Blizzard Lead: Alright gather around team, we need a way to profit off of goblin gliders so people buy more tokens. These things are going for upwards of 10 gold each and in battlegrounds people can use up to 3 per game! Just think of the glorious riches we squandering here!

Blizzard Dev: Why don’t we create an entire patch surrounding a legendary cloak that has an on use effect essentially forcing people to spend money on goblin gliders?

Blizzard Lead: Great idea! Now I need to start looking for a new yacht…

EDIT: “As documented”

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How many Millions have you made since 8.3?
This is a new record for lots of us here, these corrupted BOES are selling like hotcakes.
150k-3.5 Million per unit.
Somebody is buying Tokens as noted by the price change due to high sales.
The gliders are just gravy.

I cannot expect a simpleton to understand what is happening here, maybe you should spend more some time making reports.
Thanks for the personal quote btw, next time use my name. :rofl:

I am off to play some low level BG’s with no twinks :+1:

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I can change that, very easily. :wink:


Haha! I will look for the Warrior with SW pots and gliders then!

Hope you get BGs like the one I just afked out of. Kotmogu - our team has 0 heals, horde team has 5. Sounds like everything is working perfectly since twinks were removed.

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I could change that easily too, from 60+ hehehehehe

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I hope you get better BG’s in the future, sorry to hear you had a bad one.