Mercenary Mode no longer exists?

I just tried talking to Nassar in Oribos and he can’t be spoken to anymore. Is there no way to que mercenary mode or do I have to be lvl 70 now?

Horde have an enlistment bonus. You can’t merc mode as the less played faction. Alliance can probably merc mode atm though lul

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Hilarious that even after crossfaction functionality, the Horde is still the more played faction.

I wonder if this came about after the huge Orc racial nerf. PVPers flocking to Alliance.

This is pretty much it - and it just goes to show the problem with racials. Some racials really are just too potent.

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the merce guy to que cross faction is in the vender room in oribos! it still works as of today.

Hmm it seems to work on my lvl 60 DH. But it doesn’t work on my lvl 66 Evoker. Interesting.

Could it be that it flips back and forth? Maybe it’s based on total numbers of players online on one faction.

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It does but only for Alliance since they’re now the more populous faction in pvp. We have an enlistment bonus due to how outnumbered we are.

i whopping 10%. lol

Pretty sure every racial is the same as they have been for years.

Trinket bonus.

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Better racials.

Everybody just bought a faction change for their Orc, though.

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