Merc mode in BGs

I took my bed frame out of the house last night and just sat my mattress on the ground so the boogeyman can’t get underneath my bed anymore.


I’ve lost all ability to detect sarcasm on these forums.

I believe they call that a Pro Gamer Move.


Pretty sure he’s serious though and not being sarcastic. Baffling I know.

If anything, I see more alliance trolls or hopelessly undergeared players than I do mercs or horde players.

And to people who don’t know how you can tell mercs from regular players, just scroll over their character or portrait and the tooltip will appear in the bottom right saying “level 50 Orc Warrior” when they appear as a Dwarf.

It doesn’t show to alliance players. The only way to kinda tell who’s mercing is by the horrible transmog since some horde only transmogs won’t show on alliance side.

Huh ?.. you can apply it again and again for free. Forever .

Ya where exactly do you think the horde are waiting … I stand right next to the NPC because the games come on so fast as alliance . No time to go anywhere else .

…and while you hang out at the npc in the underbelly you try to gank 50’s playing tag using the safety at the top of the stairs as their escape.

no no no fella not today.

Lol…I never go to Dalaran to use it. There is a npc in the PvP area of Zandalar

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You complain a lot, but what is your proposed solution for fixing the “problem”? Complain complain complain… but no solutions.

Obviously people are not going to throw away years and years of well-established friendships, connections, guilds, etc on Horde side to reroll Alliance just for shorter bg queues. Short bg queues alone are not enough of a reason to reroll, and the people that mainly play bgs are a minority of the overall playerbase (…most of the playerbase is PvE-oriented or PvE casuals).

So far aaaaaaalll I’ve seen from you is whiny qq. Looking at your posting history like 90% of your posts are random rants/whiny comments about “horde mercs”. You leave posts about “horde mercs” in every thread you visit, even if the original thread topic had nothing to do with Horde mercs :roll_eyes:

I also find it interesting you haven’t posted any actual screenshots of these alleged Horde mercs “in the act” of trolling or throwing bgs :thinking: I’m guessing you don’t have any - or the alleged trolls and game-throwers are actually Alliance teammates (the armory doesn’t lie about the faction).

In all the time since merc has been introduced i have only ever seen 1 merc troll and he actually trolled horde as well it was back when the fish feast trolling was a thing if anyone remembers that. People claim to see these trolls all the time but i hardly see any of them

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Full factional randomization in bgs. For the bored!

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It’s 50/50, or close to, in almost every single BG…

God, faction diehards are strange. You keep coming up with these odd reasons as to why the grass is greener / less green on the other side, yet if you’d played on both like you say you have, you should have realized that the people on each side were the damn same. Sometimes literally the same people.

The only reason the Horde is so ridiculously stacked (and its queue times so long) is because people want to play with their friends. And most people don’t care enough about PvP to roll Alliance just for that.

If anything, all removing Merc Mode would do would be to reduce the total number of matches, which might potentially raise your queue-times as Alliance. You do need enough players to fill a match, after all.

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I play horde on Illidan. Whenever I got into Ashran mercing in BfA I was one of the (sometimes few) people actually trying to win. The main problem in Ashran was the extreme defeatist attitude from Alliance players who zone in and think they lost before the game began. Probably at least 5-10 would afk out before the game even started.

When we lost it wasn’t because of Horde on our team.

When we won I was often top healing by a large margin, particularly if I was on my priest bombing greater heals (now nerfed into oblivion). Even doing a ton of healing and calling out when they were on our mage and what not, sometimes there just wasn’t enough people trying.

Ally performance in Ashran and WG is pathetic . In WG Ally now lose every game whether they are defending or attacking …

On the bright side , Ally has an AV strategy which seems to be working consistently well now. Rush Glav , then run back and backcap SHB, SHBY and IWB and turtle the game winning in reinforcements.


Cross-faction random mandatory solo que BGs sounds good to me.

No premades. No mercs. No faction imbalance.

With the ability to grind for good ilvl gear like it used to be.

Doesn’t need to be the only format offered, but I bet it would be a popular one. And even if only a small number of people were queing, each game would be a random assortment of them on each team so it wouldn’t get stale.

Another great idea that’s been thrown around is 6v6 rated BGs based on the deep-six brawl. Trying to do 10 person BGs you spend more time sitting around trying to form (and reform after every loss) then actually playing.

I agree with this.

It’s a silly work around to a much larger problem that happens when MMO populations contract. No one wants to be on the ‘dead faction’ so they switch, then the remaining people feel increasingly pressured to switch because it’s harder and harder to find groups.

At one point, I was looking at RBG yolos etc in the group finder and there was about 10 horde groups to 1 alliance group in the finder. It’s sort of a death spiral thing at this point.

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queue times for alliance for me right now is about 1-2 minutes for normal bg, and 3-5 minutes for epic bg. Horde queues are about 10-12 minutes for normal bg, and 25 minutes for epic bg.

Alliance queues are fine

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They are fine.

But most the players who want to play BGs are horde and the horde queues are really bad depending on the time of day.

Blizzard should be trying to maximize the player experience for the most number of players, probably by either doing mixed faction or same faction BGs. That way, everyone has instant queues all day.


Horde can merc if they want faster time.