Mental gymnastics

You’re boring.

How many fedoras do you own?

That’s a bribe, a very stupid bribe, but a bribe nonetheless.

Probably as many skulls he has displayed if he ever mustered the courage to stream…

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nah. if it was a bribe he would have taken it. do you consider 3 arcanite bars for a rejuv gem a bribe? no? then why do you keep pretending like it is? oh right because you want to seem like youre righteously against the evil in the world or something. yeah bro, keep telling yourself that. because we all believe you. imagine thinking 3 arcanite bars could buy a rejuv gem lmao




  1. persuade (someone) to act in one’s favor, typically illegally or dishonestly, by a gift of money or other inducement.

“an undercover agent bribed the judge into giving a lenient sentence”

lets break this down. i never once showed intent to persuade the gm to act in my favor, illegally or dishonestly, by any gift. i sent a donation and reminded them at the same time that i have an open rejuv gem slot. thats it. i thought i was friends with the gm when i sent it so i didnt realize he would twist it into being a bribe for when he decided he wanted to get rid of me. even if you wanted to go with what the gm said, its still not proof of intent. its literally hearsay.

“I wasn’t speeding, offcer! Honest! Look, I’ll get the dictionary and prove it. See, here’s the definition of speed…”

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There’s a rumor Harrison Ford plays wow. It’s true and I checked his parses. They really suck. So how can you trust anything he said in this video about hats and movies?

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It’s still a bribe whether it’s taken or not. You can spin your “mental gymnastics” any way you want.

hehe that isn’t harrison ford.

yes, Joyson is using the common words have only one definition argument.


  1. Money or some other benefit given to a person in power, especially a public official, in an effort to cause the person to take a particular action.
  2. Something offered to induce another to do something.

So it was an attempted bribe. I believe those are totally fine. If I ATTEMPT to bribe a public official, and they don’t take my bribe, I believe the law says I get away scot-free.

If up to 15 years in prison isn’t a penalty then sure.

Should have added the /s lol

I understand it’s sarcasm. That doesn’t mean I can’t also look up the us code to see what the penalty is. And i looked in the wrong part. It’s a fine of up to 3x the amount of the bribe or 15 years in prison or both.

Joyson, you’re fined 9 arcanite bars

I don’t know… for as much crap he puts the forums through I prefer the 15 years forum jail.

“I didn’t murder you. I only attempted to murder you. So let’s be friends! :rofl:

OMG! YAAAAAAAAAAS! I was waiting for this thread to finally blow up! #popcorn.

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Enjoy lol. It’s been a doozy.

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