Mental gymnastics

He clearly won’t get the point of this post.

Let’s not give him any more views.

keep what up?

about what?

sheesh dude calm down

i sent my gm a donation of 3 arcanite bars and told him if he was considering who to give the next rejuv gem to to maybe consider giving it to me. this is with the added knowledge that i was one of their best geared reserve members and i had never expressed any intent on leaving the guild. the gm fabricated lies about what i had said and i chose not to defend myself because of how ridiculous it would make me sound. again, if you consider 3 arcanite bars to be an equivalent trade for a rejuv gem, at any point in wow classic, you dont need to look at parses to tell you dont understand the fundamentals of this game.

AKA: A bribe.

I feel like this should be punchline to a comedy sketch. Like someone saying, “I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell the truth.”

its as much as a bribe as someone giving a police officer a $1 bill to not write them a traffic ticket

Yeah, I’m kinda getting bored with the go-to narcissist, “I have a high healing parse!” responses at this point.


I like how he went from, “It wasn’t a bribe!” to “It wasn’t even a substantial bribe.”

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thats a good point. even if you want to call it a bribe, would you even consider it a substantial bribe? i guess not huh? then whats your point?

That you’re lying.

hmmm. fair. i must inquire. about what?

This forum is wild. I love it and I hate it. You can go to a thread and watch a guy flipping out and throwing a tantrum and then swap over to another thread where he’s the voice of reason and someone else is having a conniption. It’s a big circle of madness!

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About everything.

please be specific. its difficult for me to understand what you are talking about when you are this vague.


you remind me of my old guild master lol

You mean I remind you of someone who kicked you for bribing him?

That’s good. I’m glad. It was the right thing to do.


your point of view, and im sorry your heart is filled with hate. you must learn to let go and live from within.

Only for people who try to bribe their GM and think they can get away with it.

no, once you hate one you hate all