★ mental alacrity ★ {4M |9H | 9N} - LFM- ele shamans-disc priest

im actually level 115. forums havent updated :frowning: BUT OUR RECRUITMENT NEEDS HAVE UPDATED!

looking for more on both teams, come rock out with mythic monday (key spam guild night) and join us for fightin friday- pvp nght tonight!

and raid tues :stuck_out_tongue:

now seeking:

a resto druid
a holy pally - would also consider mistweaver
DH or ret pally
a warlock
a mage

we found a warrior and a hunter.

still seeking the following:
a resto druid
a holy pally - would also consider mistweaver
DH or ret pally
a warlock
2 mages

lookin for warlocks and mages

our 2 day team is now 6H

updated our needs and schedule.

looking for a mistweaver or resto druid! desperately seeking a RET pally and more mages.

priority seeking

a mage
a resto druid or a disc priest or holy priest or mistweaver.

actively seeking another warlock and RET pally.

mythic monkey is down. we are now 2 mythic.

2 teams, both lookin for more bodies!

Looking for more players for both our teams!

our weds/thurs team “Rick & Morty” have downed H mekka. 7H now!

our tues/weds “alacrity” team have killed mythic grong for our 2nd M and heroic blockades this week. next week jadefire and jaina! JJ!

^ yes yes and more!

looking for the following for our tues/weds team:

seeking another full time healer:
resto druid, mistweaver or disc priest.

seeking a RET pally (capable prot os a bonus)
seeking mages
seeking a warlock
seeking another boomkin

yes! more more more of the above \o/

team rick & morty are seeking:
★ 1 tank for full time slot
★ DH
★ 1 windwalker (capable brewmaster os a bonus)
★ shammy
★ frost mage
★ warlock or boomkin

updated team progressions and recruitment needs.
come one come all. an active community base of players, talent and great atmosphere

heroic jaina down for both teams

updated needs listed above.

quick view for team MA:
★ 1 windwalker
★ 1 RET pally (capable prot OS a bonus)
★ 1 warlock
★ 1 rogue or dk
★ 1 ele sham
★ any skilled player of any class welcome to interview.

team “Rick & Morty”
★ 1 tank for full time slot
★ 1 windwalker (capable brewmaster os a bonus)
★ DPS shammy (ele or enhance)
★ frost mage
★ warlock or boomkin
★ any skilled player of any class welcome to interview.