Now if the Blizzard Frame Crafting UI memory leak could be looked at…
It’s been a full year, and I think has yet to be noticed by the company because the devs haven’t been sat down to click “create all” on an item and let it spin for a few hours. WoW likes to pre-allocate a bunch of RAM, so for the first 30 min or so memory usage doesn’t seem to go up (stays at 4GB), but then linearly starts climbing to infinity once that block of memory is depleted. 1.5GB/hour leak at default craft speed. It’s leaking per item crafted btw, hence linear with speed.
It’s not fun noticing 20GB of swap file has been eaten by WoW. This game is destroying the SSDs of people who craft a lot.
Link to the still unresolved Blizzard Frame Crafting UI Memory Leak Bug Report: