Mekgineer Thermaplugg In The Shadowlands (9.1 Spoilers)

Either he was sent to the Maw directly or he failed Revendreth. He’s a future battle pet allied with the Jailer.





Force him to go through the Gnomerregan pet dungeon on repeat

It will be a fitting fate


I never once thought that one of our past enemies would end up as a battle pet. So not only is that a neat surprise, but makes me wonder if other enemies could end up as pets, toys, or even as a mount.


It better be clarified that he failed Revendreth. It’s infuriating how inconsistent Blizzard is in deciding what an unforgivable crime is. “Ah, you destroyed multiple planets? Revendreth works. Oh, this person’s crimes were constrained to one spot on one planet? Straight to the Maw!!”

When the bar for Maw’ing is set so high by the planet genociders in Revendreth, anyone getting sent to the Maw is grounds for declaring the Arbiter to be evil and unjust, I say. Even a single person getting sent to the Maw is an infinite injustice so long as cosmic-level baddies are good enough for Revendreth.

Screw the Jailer, but the Arbiter’s Shadowlands does indeed need to be destroyed.


Not gonna lie, didn’t think he was really done for in cataclysm, and not with the legion thing that was cut. Oh well. I guess that’s that for him. Wonder if the gnomes will actually move back then, unless Thermaplug made a robot copy of himself. Time will tell.

Hm so Thermaplugg really did die huh?Good.The gnomes don’t need this dirtbag stinking up the lore anymore and it just means that there is even less opposition to worry about when Gelbin along with the mechagnomes of Mechagon reclaim Gnomeregan entirely.


This confirms gnomes do indeed have souls


First soul trinkets, now battle pets

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Looks like 9.1 is going to have some fun/interesting items and mounts. It’s got me curious now :wolf:

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Didn’t realize that was in doubt. Warlock soul stones have to come from somewhere, after all.



I thought the idea is that the severity of the crime doesn’t matter, the potential for rehabilitation does? Like, souls that are deeply, deeply messed up, have no remorse, and did horrible things for no particular reason. Like because Arthas was ultimately trying to save Azeroth from the Void / Old Gods rather than to rule for selfish reasons, he may not necessarily have been bound for the Maw.


Yeah, I feel like people struggle with an idea that their understanding of what constitute tiers of ‘evil’ may not align with what is considered universally evil or what is judged to be irredeemable. Blizzard has definitely failed to explain things yet, but that isn’t an inconsistency - it’s just a lack of explanation so far.

Shadowlands is just a massive soul factory with rules attached. What those rules are can be anything. The system is very clearly intentionally portrayed as flawed.

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The Maw is for threats to the Shadowlands. Thermaplugg caused Gnomeregan to become irradiated in order to claim it. He was recklessly stupid and destructive.

Now… how does Thermaplugg compare to Sylvanas in Wrath of the Lich King?.. Was Sylvanas that reckless with her Blight even then?

What an absolutely abominable framework for morality, then. The Shadowlands still needs to be destroyed and rebuilt.

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A soul fails Revendreth when it refuses to let go of the Pride that sent it down it’s dark path. The size and scope of it’s evil is irrelevant.


Eh, if anything it is decent in the sense that the possibly for reform is up to the person. The only major “reform” I particularly care about is destroying the Maw. I have kinda lost my appetite for fates where a person is tormented endlessly for what are effectively finite crimes.


The Maw being a torture chamber seems to be the Jailer’s doing though…

Remove the Jailer and his Mawsworn and the Evildoers would just fight it out with the Ebon Blade keeping them from flying down to Icecrown.

Torghast itself is being blown up by Sylvanas so the denizens of the Maw(pretty much the Stupidly Evil people who are reckless with their Villainy) will be left with only the Maw and Korthia to fight over along with a gaping hole above Icecrown for Azeroth to keep an eye on.

Are we sure that isn’t just Blizzard messing with us? I would assume Blizzard would keep Torghast around at least until the expac considering it forms such an important core to SL’s pve expe… On second thought let’s blow it up.