Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race

Still baffles me to this day blizzard did not went back with this terrible choice decision

Horde is asking for ogres for years now, and one expansion they could get they randomly shove a dwarf reskin on it

I wonder if people working at blizzard actually play horde at this point and not just blood elves, cause i cant believe people there are not aware we want ogres, is that spite or something?

Ogres don’t feature in the expansion at all whereas Earthen are a main part of it.

they don’t feature because blizzard doesn’t want feature then

Earthen are there because blizzard made the decision to put then there

Things could be fixed if in the development, they decide to feature both of then

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You want ogres, I think they’re cringe, goofy, boring and overrated. +I personally don’t want to see anything bigger than a tauren added as a player race because they’d be garbage to deal with in group content.

yeah, lets add big as tauren rock dwarves /s

Na mate, you are minority, most of the horde want ogres, it is the most requested horde race and is the top 1 most requested race across factions as well

Still can’t unlock Earthen… even though the expansion has fully launched. The quests to continue the main campaign apparently won’t unlock until Sept 3rd. This was a bit misleading I think…


Welp this post by OP blizzard was a lie.


what a scam of a Allied Race. Advertised we can play the race, yet in game you cannot even unlock them day one. Why is this a scam you ask? because blizzard specifically time gated them so that you level up your mains and get attached to them but want to play the new race when you finally unlock them(cause blizzard time gated the campaign which they are locked behind per achievement) you will have the urge to drop $$ to race change into the earthen. There was no reason for this and they should have been released at the start of the expansion so people could play them right away and level up their mains on the race they want to be.
Big L blizzard. Although I am sure it will be a big W for your wallets $$


I guess they meant the max level 80 campaign?

Unless I was mistaken about what the ‘level up’ campaign was?


Yep I was convinced we would be able to unlock them week 1 as well. As long as we did all the requirements, which we did. The time gated story does not count in my eyes.

Reading the article in full, I see:

" * The War Within storyline:

  • Against the Current
  • News from Below
  • A Light in the Dark
  • Ties that Bind
  • The Machines March to War"

Not sure if this was there before or not - but its odd that the short text is “complete the level up campaign” and then the detailed text includes the quests after that.

Assuming it wasn’t edited in post, its still very misleading in my opinion.

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Yeah, which would have been alright if they advertised it that way. Feels bad.

Was not previously there.


Everyone was wondering why the level up campaign was so short, turns out they just time gated it.


I won’t give blizz extra money anymore, just my sub

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nah, they just falsely advertised it and don’t want to admit it.


Ill never understand time gate stuff, if people want to SPEED and rush and finish it let US!


Wow Blizzard being misleading when they stand to gain financially from it?

I can’t imagine that! /s

Company been doing this for years, and they never care because they never have. Trying to get a company to admit fault without a fancy little legal word basically means you’re never getting accountability.

Crowdfunding disaster.


Ya, I am a bit Angry about this. Had I known I would not have gone so hardcore to complete everything. It was all pointless, only if they been more transparent about it. Now I am in a pickle. Swallow my morals and keep giving them money monthly or cut ties with Blizzard completely and go to Final Fantasy. Most likely going to keep playing, but if this trickery is going to be normal then I will have no choice.


Azerite figures prominently in WW.

We got confirmation for a blue post earlier in the week that the final chapter of the story quest would be unlocked on sept 3rd

So it’s not just you! I too last night finished everything expect that last one.

And am awaiting to