Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race

A new allied race I’ll be completely ignoring with 0 interest in. All the available or cool things blizzard could have made. Just a reskinned dark iron dwarf.

Haven’t been this unexcited about something since the S.E.L.F.I.E. patch. Probably would have been interested in the swoll kobalds or the nerubian folk? Hell id take rock gnolls too.

Though tbh I’m bias. Been mostly horde and when I’d roll alliance when I’d play dwarf I just find their animations stiff and boring.

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I don’t see why ya’ll can’t do a Druid that’s just too much effort when you already have a stone form for druids.

I can understand the other 3 but come on Blizzard don’t do me like this put Druids in the mix.

It is weird that they cant be druids when they have the freysworn.
Seems a natural fit.

Can we get Fel Elves next?

No, you will get furry elves from the trailer

Blizz, you are really trying too hard to please everyone and not trying hard enough to please your actual player base. Cool. We have black elves and bearded dwarves, now. You fixed inclusivity for all time. Grats. Now could you go back and fixed the literal PAGES of bugs and broken quests. PLEASE!

we’ll have to wait and see, but from the pics, they look fugly af. i hope the actual toons aren’t this bad. Maybe call them “inbreds” instead?


I think it looks like a Human / Dwarf Mix… Why can’t they come up with something That Looks NEW TOO? And I suppose it will be across Horde & Alliance. Merging the Characters together again in Both Races…

I think my name says it all

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So, basically no new races to play.
Hopefully they will allow a BE Shaman.
I love the Dranei Shaman, but on the Horde side, they all suck.
Thanks for finally making the NE warlocks though. That’s the best update in a long time.

I’m with ya on this one. I’m not a fan, but someone else out there will maybe really like it. To me, they look like something cross between a chia pet that grows gems, or clay cancer dwarves with extruding gem tumors. So Dwarfpool is a thing now…I guess?

Another ugly dwarf how original… my hope for this expansion is gone now.

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The Earthern were announced back at Blizzcon

Speaking of earthen, am i missing something? my unlock says “wait for word from alleria”


Not a fan… we didn’t really need another race for the chubby chasers after getting the Dark Iron and Kul Tirans. I think I’d rather play a nerubian. :slight_smile:


They are one of the reasons why I won’t buy TWW. :slight_smile:

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klaxxi for the horde, arakkoa for alliance pls

I like the Earthen . . . NPCs.

Give us the new Kobolds as a playable race, and I might make one.

Same, I’m hoping its either a bug, or something that unlocks with the official launch.

Was hoping to have them unlocked right away :frowning:

Why do most races always have to have the glowy-blank eye orbs? :scream:

Story idea: All the blank eye-orb races can get together to find their long-lost original progenitor, and it turns out to be Little Orphan Annie.