Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race

Give us Freysworn, you cowards!!

I’ll create a Earthen Druid named Yesmerald and main that one.


Right? why make it like before, when they add races that people wanted and was huge success?

Lets try something bold and different, Disney is a lot popular giving the fans what they DON’T want, we will do that as well

  • Some dev after seeing twitter probably
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Really? i’ve only heard High Elf request’s expansion after expansion. I don’t remember hearing of Earthen being requested once. I must of missed it somewhere.

People been wanting High Elves for a very long time. I don’t remember once hearing people requesting a Earth Dwarf before. It’s ether High Elves, Murloc, Ogre, Gnolls, Kobolds and Naga.

A Earth Dwarf feels like it got pulled out of a copier machine and recolored and here it is. Most folks are not really too enthused by them. Since we already have 2 dwarf types already. Normal Dwarf and Dark Iron. I don’t remember anyone asking for a Earth Dwarf.

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It i what happens when you get a minority so unhinged flooding the foruns, all other topics get buried.

But earthen were unpopular, even amongst dwarf players… people asked more about the frost dwarves from northrend and the wildhammer(who should be the taller than your bronzebeard/dark iron dwarf).

But again, this should have being an alliance only race, and the horde get stuff like forest trolls

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Though this might not be a race that was anyone’s top pick, I for one will still be creating one when the time comes and welcoming them to my war camp.

The Earthen have been around ever since we first explored a Titan stronghold, which I believe was Uldam in Wrath of the Lich King.

At the time of their introduction I imagine there were a few requests for them to be playable. Those requests like so many others fell on deaf ears and over time were replaced by requests for other more desired races that would be met as other corners of Azeroth were explored.

Sadly, with the exception of the Allied races, Blizzard doesn’t just randomly add new races. Any new race added must fit with the story they are telling that expansion and for the War Within that is the Earthen.

For me I can’t wait to learn more about them. Personally I hope that through the expansion we learn more about them and why a race, engineered as a mindless drone, is suddenly being given free will. Perhaps Azeroth herself is influencing their creation.

Earth Dwarf is more interesting and unique than Light-worshipping Draenei in yellow instead of purple.

I’ve been seeing it for years, over and over. Lightforged were put out, literally just barbershop options, nothing about the model or coloration or even culture making them meaningfully different from regular Draenei, “Should’ve given us Broken or Earthen”
Void Elves, invented out of nowhere, “Ethereals, High Elves, Earthen”
And that’s just in the era of allied races, constantly saying earthen whenever one was boring or seen as nonsense.

And the copier argument is… really funny, talking on a Lightforged. The models are definitely more meaningfully different from dwarves than lightforged from draenei. You can stick the two draenei options next to each other in the same outfit, and it just looks like you should be able to pick Lightforged options in the barbershop.
You stick Earthen whether bedazzled or not, Bronze/Wild, and Dark Iron next to each other in the same outfit and the only thing that’s the same is the silhouette.

I’ve honestly not seen kobolds get requested. Murlocs, Ogres, Naga, and of course high elves, yeah. There are people who look at the candle rats and think “I wanna play that”? Amazing lmao


That may be so. But we don’t have 3 draenei types. We only have regular, and Lightforged. We don’t have a sub sub race for draenei. No one is copy pasting different Draenei types to add to allied races. I still don’t see Eredar and Broken so those don’t count yet. The red skin apperance on draenei doesn’t count since they didn’t make red draenei a 3rd.

So how many duplicates are we going to get from one main race?

Least Kobold’s would have been a more interesting race to play then a 3rd dwarf that is just another duplicate and reskinned.

Here is 4 forum threads on it so far should I keep looking?

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Im on the forums all the time and big into wow politics.

But this is absolute bull shiz.

Earthern was not consistently or even loudly requested.

For you maybe.
For me, i think earthen are awesome.
Im not a fan of the regular or dark iron dwarves, but earthen are really cool and tick a lot of boxes for me.
Im excited to be able to play one.

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Got some good threads linked here.

But I think both Gnolls and Kobolds would be inclined to horde.

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So here I am, NOT discounting what others have seen, but apparently I’m just full of bullcrap for what I’ve seen, playing since vanilla. Nevermind then, you’re all liars complaining about exactly what people asked for because you like complaining more than content.

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Because if what you said was true no one could deny it, but it is catastrophically not true

No one was consistently requesting earthern and we are all jusr blind.

It doesnt matter since you play since Vanilla, more ppl would have seen it. I dont have filters blocking out earthern or stone dwarves.

To say someone was commonly requested when it never even entered the majority of peoples hearts and minds, it is dishonest.

I am not even one to call out bull shiz this passionately, but holy shiz is this such a dishonest take.

Earthern didnt even make the list of commonly requested playable races, not even most requested, just crickets.


Woah, I can’t believe they added Dwarves. :open_mouth:

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I am a “Dwarf Fan” as you say, and I don’t see Earthen as Dwarves. Whether more actual Dwarves become playable or not, I don’t really care, as long as they make sense in context of the expansion it is being released with.

And this is my point. As long as they have an in-lore reason, even if they have to make up a reason at that moment, it’s fine. I just don’t want us to have Ogres suddenly appear with the reason “well, people wanted Ogres”. If there were in-lore reasons then go for it.

If walks, fly and quack like a duck, is a duck

Nah, i want that, at this point they can just enable the race in the character cretion with no quest whatsoever.

Plus, they don’t need to “suddenly appear”, they don’t even need to be in the expansion, there are clans already in the horde, is fine to make a small sidequest elsewhere to make then join like what they did with some of the BFA allied races

They have all the tools to make stuff in lore, what it need is they actually wanting to do it.

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There is already a horde friendly clan of Ogres already. Just go to the zone Theremore is on there is a Ogre encampment that is friendly to Horde. It wouldn’t be much effort to flip some switches and have them join Horde as official members.

They are which is the confusing part. Rexxar is their leader and he had them join the Horde back in WC3.

Should have been Walrus people. These are funky dwarves made from code borrowed from other races.

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I’ve never been more indifferent and unmoved by an allied race before.

Talk about meh.

Trying to save some money after developing Dracthyr I guess, so we get a reskin