Meat to Pet Transmute stinks.

You can mute this thread, which causes it to disappear (or my muted topics do, anyway). Then you don’t have to see it anymore! :smiley:
Edit; Good for troll topics in GD, too, if anyone ventures over there regularly.

And this week… we’re back to Yellow Moth Egg. Whee!

Sadly, even I can’t find anything funny to say about this week’s Mana Wyrmling.

Anyone else have better luck?

No, yellow moth again :frowning:

I looted 3 crap pets a few days ago. I was thinking of changing days when I open them and see if that helps… :slight_smile:

C’mon guys, we can get this topic up to two hundred oh-I-got-another-crap-pet posts.

If only I had a plane to put all these snakes on?

I have gotten all the alch pets finally, but i leveled extra alchs to do so (got 7 sacs brewing now instead of 2 before)

Let’s talk about which is worst

People ranting in a ranting thread

Or mouth breathers coming in and going “Guise Guise stop complaining in this rant thread hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”


Okay, if you insist.

Guys, I got another crap pet!

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I get my 7 snakes tomorrow!

Side note, as i start to get extras, what do people still need? willing to trade what i get going forward.

Still zero new pets. /sigh

But the good news is after this week’s vacation, the pet openings can all be sync’d. Not that it matters but would make it easier than logging on 4 diff chars and looking at the fugly brain icon.

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Thanks for the much needed encouragement, I’d held off posting here until now.

Today my alchemists opened a mana worm, a butterfly and a snake. I’m really, really pissed off, depressed and furious over never having created a BfA alchemy pet yet despite what seems like thousands of attempts.

After so many wasted tries, if I’d just sold the mats instead I’d have the gold to buy one.


Proposal: Make this transmute TRULY random.

You can get literally any pet in the game, from the lowliest moth to the Celestial Calf, from random rabbits to Blizzcon murlocs, from vendor pets to TCG pets. Oh, and everything has the same chance. 1/1000 (or so)

Imagine how excited people would be if they had even a remote chance at some of those results. :slight_smile:


Seems like when you do get something besides a BFA pet, it is always the same 5-10 low level stupid pets. I wouldn’t even really say 10 pets, more like 5 or 6 of the same things.

Out of the 500 common pets in the game, you would think there would be a bigger pool to select from.

I did three today and yea…zippers!

I’m one of those fools who only has one alt transmuting meat. After 5 months. . . nothing. But then again, I think “zero” is included as a possibility of “random.”

I hate to ask this, but I only have one alchemist with terrible luck. How about something to the person who gave you the Young Venomfang and the Everliving Spore?

WoW, you gave away a Everliving Spore, they go for around 150-200K on my server.

DyngDawng was having terrible luck. And I had already gotten one, so when I got another one, I gave it to him. I’m a conservative in my politics, but a socialist in my personal life. Especially where matters of arbitrary luck is concerned. We had all done this dungeon the same number of times. I had gotten pets, and he hadn’t so, it just seemed like the right thing to do.

As I have said countless time before, if they would remove the word “UNIQUE” from the Quivering Sac, there would be less complaints. Yes, we will have a lot of Sac’s in our bags (that sounds odd to write it that way lol) at once a day, but for every 3 or 4 trash pets we may get a good pet. Ridiculous to wait a week to open something with a daily cool down!


That was you?! You kept your identity somewhat secret… Still very cool, still havent gotten that thing to drop on my own (though I only go back every few weeks).

Even with 7 alchs they dont drop very often, but I think I have a dupe of a few. Which ones are you still looking for?