Meanwhile in Valdrakken

Honestly since I ended up wearing a full hazelnut mocha today, dropped another coffee and a pitcher of milk today I am going to say I am the gif.

(Own a coffee shop)


It took me a couple of seconds to realize what was going on. Nice screenshot! LoL!

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

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People still go to Valdrakken? I havenā€™t be there since April.

Just a typical Friday as a barista. (Speaking from 8yrs experience at Starbucks in various roles)


I donā€™t know how the bikini baristas do it! I would have burns all over my body ā€¦

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this is awesome. thank you for sharing.

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Does he at least do the safety squint?

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Nope, open wide eyes like a newborn babe.

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Humans were never too bright to begin with.

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Idk get it, why is he doing it like that? Thereā€™s a whole shelf full of screws and Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a pair of plyers around that could be used to turn the screw.

Work smarter instead of harder, and youā€™ll never have to work harder instead of working smarter a single day in your life. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Heā€™s blunting the end so it doesnā€™t split the wood.

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These are the things I come to GD for.

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I want to clarifyā€¦ The head of the nail isnā€™t resting on anything, itā€™s in mid air in front of the rotating thingy on top of the engineering table XD

But he still does the motion, thatā€™s what I call dedication! :joy:

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lol, I tried. Ol buddy is just special.

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