Maximum Realm Capacity Increased – August 28

Kromcust queue went down from 90 min to 20 min. Great change. If all holds up please don’t open any new server. Willing to tolerate queue up to 60 min if that means future populated server after few months.

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Does anyone have any idea of how to choose a server right now? I look at the population, but every 10 minutes the server i want to choose changes… How can i be sure the server i switch to wont have a queue tomorrow?

Hi Kaivax,

Can you give us a timeline of when this has been implemented?

Thank you for your time!

Axtel Fairbanks

I play poker to pass the queue times. At this rate blizz going to run me broke… I’m terrible at poker :sweat_smile:

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Not seeing any difference… I stepped away from the game for about an hour. When I came back, I was #4784 in queue with a wait time of 41 mins. Had I known this, I would have just stayed on, or waited to go about my business until the queue started.

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Just saw this:

I’d voice ALL your concerns there.

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If you have too high of a population, you’ll get in but having 25 people going for the same quest mobs isn’t fun.

I got in last night and there were like 20 killing the same things I was. It was a race to claim things.

12k que and 350 (edited) minutes on Herod. I guess people that work for a living don’t get to play on the server their friends are on.


It’s possible even more players are joining the game.

Would it be possible to login remotely so you’re at the front of the queue when you get home?


God I sure hope not, something like that should never be allowed. Nobody should be able to use alternative methods to try and beat the queue. Sit your butts @ your pc and stare like the rest of us do.

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and its all over the place, 65 mins, 98 mins, 148 mins, 245 mins - i have 7158 people ahead of me and the estimated time is making it difficult to plan my night around…

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Probably not as difficult as not immediately assuming the worst like you’ve been.

You’ll get in. Get over it. Go for a walk. Exercise or meet up with some friends. Do something to pass the time.

Logged in at 5est to just over 11k, 7:09est at 7149 - Herod

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Cant even get past the login boss… I quit…

nah, once the tourists leave we will still have full servers or at worst short queues which is fine.

Thank you, but i dont think it worked… since i am player nº 7108 in Whitemane, and i was 9.000 > when i joinned the queue…

then swallow your pride and group up with 4 other people and share that quest/loot

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yeah, tbh if you can I don’t know why you wouldn’t.

it’s no different than starting the queue and doing something else as you wait.

Teamviewer and chrome remote desktop are great options for this, just make sure you turn off your computers sleep and hibernate modes before trying this otherwise you might not be able to connect when you want to.

Beside the pre announced servers are there any still with crazy queues?