Maximum - our savior, thank you for pack leader!

Yeah, KC is 100% rotational for the spec. No matter what form of content you are in.

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you were truly playing very, very wrong lol

I am not surprised at all someone with a fundamental misunderstanding of how to play the spec can also not understand a hero talent tree


Because not settling for it would, to be logically consistent, require not settling for basically any of the Hero Talents we’ve seen so far.

It’s largely dull, but… they virtually all are, and at least this Pack Leader isn’t as likely to be gameplay*-degrading* as the majority are.

Simple as that.

For my part, I do think Pack Leader could be better, but no complaint I can apply to it wouldn’t also apply to the other Hero Talents, while there are a few complaints deserved of the others that at least do not apply to Pack Leader.

He said “I don’t know Survival so I am not going to talk about it.” He doesn’t know Survival.

You also appear not to.

Yes, numbers can be tuned, so what we should be looking at right now is mechanically how do these new talents interface with Survival’s kit and overall feedback loop/playstyle. As has been stated a few times in this thread by a few experience Survival players, KC resets might be a dull mechanic but they interface with how the spec works in a beneficial way. You saying that you gave serious consideration to unbinding it suggests you don’t know how the spec works mechanically.

No one is settling for anything. I think what you will find if you read the informed feedback of many experienced Survival players is most of us are pleased with the first draft of this tree in how it fits into the mechanics of this spec. It has hooks that improve what the spec does well and increase the effectiveness of the feedback loops that drive it.

You can say you are unhappy with Pack Leader because you wish it were flashier, but saying it is a bad tree because who cares about Kill Command only means you aren’t fully understanding its clear benefits.

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I main survival on my hunter thia tree works mechanically and is good its just kinda. Boring to me thematacally it could bee funner.

I even if we ignore the theme completely and look at bonuses of sv vs bm, it still doesn’t change the fact that bm gets more bang for buck out of this than sv

feel like you don’t understand sv at all if you’re saying this

how? if you’re going to make such a big claim surely you can back it up

Vicious Hunt: Kill Command prepares you to viciously attack in coordination with your pet, dealing additional physical damage with your next Kill Command .

BM casts a bit more than twice Kill Commands than SV. Obviously BM will benefit twice more from this

Pack Coordination: Attacking with Vicious Hunt instructs your pet to strike with their basic attack alongside your next Barbed Shot (Beast Mastery), Raptor Strike, or Mongoose Bite (Survival).

SV casts ~55% more mongoose bites than BM casts barbed shots while BM pets easily do twice the damage in single basic attack

BM still comes out on top

Howl of the Pack Your pet’s Basic Attack critical strikes increase your critical strike damage by 5% for 6 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.

Hard to guess on this one since it will make Crit more valuable for sv than it is now.

Wild Attacks: Every third pet Basic Attack is a guaranteed critical strike, with damage further increased by critical strike chance.

BM pet hits harder than that of SV.

Frenzied Tear: Your pet’s Basic Attack has a 20% chance to reset the cooldown of Kill Command and cause Kill Command to strike a second time for 30% of normal damage.

BM KC hits like a truck, SV KC hits like a wet noodle.

Covering Fire: Kill Command increases the duration of Beast Cleave by 1 second (Beast Mastery). Wildfire Bomb reduces the cooldown of Carve or Butchery by 2 seconds (Survival).

Hard to tell on this one tbh.

Cull the Herd: Kill Shot deals an additional 30% damage over 5 seconds and increases the bleed damage you and your pet deal to the target by 25%.

BM main bleed is barbed shot, SV bleed is from blue balls and bloodseeker whose combined damage over the fights does not come close to barbed shot. Maybe the bleed from Coordinated Assaults Kill shot bleeds will make up the difference, but highly unlikely.

Furious Assault: Consuming Frenzied Tear has a 50% chance to reset the cooldown of Barbed Shot and deal 30% additional damage. (Beast Mastery) Consuming Frenzied Tear has a 50% chance to make your next Raptor Strike or Mongoose Bite free and deal 30% additional damage. (Survival)

ATM barbed on fits is about 15% less damage over the course of a boss fight, for once, the SV has the edge.
Oh wait… Procs can happen on very low stacks of MB windows too which actually lowers the value…

Beast of Opportunity Bestial Wrath (Beast Mastery) or Coordinated Assault (Survival) calls on the Pack, summon a pet from your stable for 6 seconds.

Do I even need to comment on this? BW 1.5 min cd, CA 2min cd, BW has a cd lowering mechanic, CA does not.

Can you back up your claim though?


pack leader has synergies with nearly every single ability and cooldown in survival’s kit. it’s far more exciting think about gameplay considerations with pack leader as SV than BM.

this does not lower the value as a proc on low stack MF gets you to higher stack MF for free.

choice node with furious assault, realistically SV is not picking this with how strong a free MB is

you have no idea what survival’s kit is lol. not only does SV already deal way more damage than BM with kill shot (ranger talent) you even mentioned in this post that SV has an extra bleed on CA.

SV KC enables tip of the spear, deadly duo extensions, deadly duo damage, and generates focus. to think of the two as both damage dealing abilities is a bit ridiculous

crit is already tied for our best stat

extra basic attacks = extra coordinated assault empowerments
extra basic attacks = extra free mongoose biates
extra basic attacks = extra KC resets = extra fote cdr, extra wfb cdr, extra quick shot damage, extra focus

this damage is not tied to KC damage and based on the fact diabolist is also being tuned per spec it’s safe to assume this will be as well

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Thanks also to Dratnos for his new video review of Pack leader:


and especially the ending of “I can see why so many hunters are underwhelmed by that tree” :smiley:

Let’s keep it going!

this video is so funny. the comments really highlight my feelings on it.

“I honestly can’t think of a good way to combine the two specs in a cool way. I also think it’s hard to make something like that because one is a ranged spec and one is a melee spec and not a single other hero talent tree has to accomplish that”

I guess shaman don’t exist anymore :stuck_out_tongue:


non hunter players with no clue about how it actually works xD

Having to be an expert to see why it’s good says it all :joy:

You think the average Joe hunter player knows all the intricacies of survival and will appreciate the tree?

While you take pride in being one of the 5 people who know all the interactions and stuff, 99% of the playerbase will ask themselves the question: is this tree fun or not, and the resounding answer will be “no, that’s boring as hell”

I hope they scrap it and come up with something more players can stand behind

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within a week you went from “this is too simple and boring” to “this is too complicated”. nothing on the tree changed. how did your criticism pivot into the complete opposite direction

why should a tree made for sv/bm take input from 99% of players that dont play hunter? should they listen to me about mage trees? no because that’s ridiculous lol


Yeah says that the average player is clueless and that they don’t know what they are talking about when they read a talent tree.

No which is why they should wait till they actually see it in action since they can’t grasp it just by reading the tree and need to see it to understand

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Extremely situational and in need of right-sizing
Why implement it at all when they seem very
watered down compared to the background of
what we already have?
Vicious Hunt is unnecessary and is clutter.
Pack Coordination; why is there even a discussion
about 'who comes out on top"? Don’t try to cram
stuff into a spec b/c “it’s cool”
The rest are ok and useful but in the face of “Just
Empower What You Gave Us Already” reduce the
clutter and you can think about other combat points
instead of timing on other things.
Put weapon slots on Hunter Weapons (3) to make
available 3 talents of choice from a menu similar to
the PvP talents on War Mode menu. This suddenly
removes clutter and these three can be swapped out
quickly from AoE type talents to Single Target (example)
Personally, I prefer to see this being handled by
a hybrid move that allows Bestial Wrath to be
implemented for SV along with a 2nd pet (not
exotic) that spawns for the duration of BW.
BM would be better served by a dual-wield
spec rather than more clutter and more things
to think about during combat. A true BM spec
(hybrid) could use Explosive Shot and Barbed
Shot at 7 yards out but nothing ranged outside
of pets/crows - throw in Flanking Strike or CA
to jump into melee. Put more into the pets…
“Burning Chains” © a melee fire damage that
DoTs and holds the opponent in melee range
would do nicely b/c you have both pets AND the
Hunter attacking at same time close in. DW BM
would be a radical departure from the Squishy
Hunter but Weapon Slots answer a lot in the
“Quest for Fire” as far as Hunters.
Also the whole quest for usefulness for Hunters
is answered easily/quickly by allowing 35% of
ALL their damage to be healing the raid/group.
Damage still counts it just also heals.

That was a beautiful poem.

It’s sad that we boiled down to opinion of a single person. Dude has bad rating regardless. His opinion is worth trash