Mature alliance player looking for non hardcore guild

I’m an older player that has played on and off since vanilla. I’ve raided back in the day but haven’t in years. I have been playing a protection warrior lately just questing and relearning the game. He’s only a level 23 so I’m not max or anything like that.
I’ll almost 50 years old and been debating getting into a guild. I just want to log in and have fun.
I would love to find a guild that isn’t very hard core. I don’t feel like getting yelled at for making mistakes. With that said I do want to learn my class as best I can. I just want to have a good time with a group of people I can call friends.
If you and your guild have the same interest, hit me up

Hi Zeakweasel - We’re full for our Season 3 Raid Team but starting to form our Sunday Normal raid team that will start in the evenings at 8:30 p.m. ET. We also have a fun and lively Mythic+ key running scene and host events each week. If you would like to speak with me to learn more - feel free to add me in Discord! :slight_smile:

Discord: Devonellah#0195 or devonellah so we can talk more.

Click here to see our full recruitment post.

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Thanks! I will

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