Massive stutters with DF client

Could be. I’ve gotten people with the sound off removing all stutters to post specs over on EU forums, one with 9700k/3070ti. That’s above recommended at least.

How are they proving that it’s removing the stutters? It could be that the assets that were making them stutter are already loaded and/or compiled(if they were shaders), so when they log back in or reload, they are still good to go vs doing something like a completely reboot and deleting the shader caches to full test it.

As I said earlier, having a beefy processor doesn’t really matter much, since they usually just have more cores that don’t get used by WoW. Though the clock speeds are usually faster, once you get into four threads being saturated, there’s likely only a 30-50% difference between a higher end and lower end CPU in practical use 4T scenarios. That’s the difference between some frame spike taking 150ms and maybe 75-100ms. But that’s also not accounting for stalls if the main game thread is waiting on something to be done like loading a new asset from the drive, which doesn’t care how fast or how many cores your CPU has.

Well I don’t believe them, there’s just too many PCs at work to have a decent sample size and they all show same problems (altho the more powerful PC, the shorter the stutter last/the faster things load in).

Wouldn’t surprise me if that’s why people are getting such awful performance in Valdrakken too.

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My god man, how many times do I gotta repeat myself. Sound helps me and I am not bottlenecked. I am running no addons, there is nothing wrong with my hardware and its not struggling in this game or any other game.

Yes you got us. Myself and multiple people are lying for kicks. We just love lying about things. You know since its the internet. /triplefacepalm

You too? Really? Being accused of lying from mr obtuse is one thing, but you? =(

What is wrong with you people? What do I have to gain by lying? People are so weird and paranoid nowadays…

Pawg im so happy your back. After your 90 freaking posts in this topic, you have actually helped one single person here. One. Only. You complain about people posting over and over, and yet you have posted more than ANYBODY ELSE. Its freaking crazy. So take your own advice, stop posting so much, and go away.

You know what bothers me the most about you? What offends me the most? The fact I have dropped like 200 star wars references and you have not noticed a single one. Dull af.


It’s not about that, it’s about placebo/nocebo and not correctly performing repeatable experiments where you can hold as many variables constant as possible. That’s why I’ve repeatedly asked for recordings of it happening with RTSS up using it’s internal frametime graph(no need for afterburner, just RTSS set to show own statistics to keep any overhead to a minimum). Any spikes will show up, even if they are a single frame.

You don’t seem to understand how bottlenecks work. For instance, I can write a simple addon, with some delays or complex math loops, that will take a $4000 USD PC from hundreds of FPS, to tens. If I make your main game thread sleep for 100ms every frame, then the highest FPS you’ll be able to have will be 10fps… (asuming WoW’s macro API allows them to be that long)

Let’s say the main game thread delegates out some tasks to the worker threads for them to complete. Now let’s say the game thread doesn’t want to move on to the next step until it has the completed work from the worker threads, because their information is critical for moving on. So it spins in place waiting for them to finish and checks thousands of times per second probably, if it’s not preparing or monitoring other things in the meantime. This will usually show a thread sitting close to 100% usage, even though it’s not actually doing anything.

So now factor in those worker threads running into trouble performing tasks like IO operations for reading data from the drive. There are multiple steps along the way to obtain the information. This is where things like bad drivers, bad background softwares, bad security softwares and bad operating environments can come into play. They can impede the task and make it take much longer than it should. Some IO read operation that normally should have taken a millisecond, now turns into five. Compound that together with all the other operations that needed to be done, and voila, you get a few frames down in the 30fps range.

Bad drivers and security settings are going to be your main culprits, assuming you haven’t done anything weird in the bios and that it’s up to date. That being said, WoW’s main thread does seem to be clogging up a lot more often now, but it’s not causing stuttering for most players. I’ve extensively tested this now on half a dozen PCs. The only one that had problems, turned out to be an OS environment issue, that once corrected, rectified the issue.

I’ve never made it through a single Star Wars movie. I’m not really a fan of sci-fan.

Is there like a gaslighting school that you have gone to or something? You are really good at it. Did you pay for it or is this natural ability?

Sound off works for me. I am perfectly able to admit it does not work for everybody AND THAT IS FINE. You can say placebo/nocebo all you want, but the FACT remains that it eliminates 99% of my stutters. Its a FACT sir.

More gaslighting.

Pawgwalker has never made it through a single star wars movie huh. What a joyless existence you live. I mean you dont have much of a personality ( besides being difficult and gaslighting everybody ) nor a sense of humor. You like trolling people, but its not to be funny. You troll to demean people, to make yourself seem above them. You are truly a piece of work.

I’m glad it’s solved by turning off sound for you, but let people that still have problems with sound on keep posting here.

I’ve tested some older hardware and brand new prebuilds today, sound off still causes stutters by loading in players and assets. When monitoring I can’t find any sign of ram/vram/memory leaks, only that when it happens one of the CPU cores maxes out briefly causing the stutters.

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I never said to stop posting with your problems, nor that your problems do not exist. But you saying that you dont believe us is pretty freaking stupid man. There is nothing to gain by lying here. I expected that kind of nonsense from pawg, but not you…

Shame the forums here don’t get too much attention. Reddit is full of threads/comments about performance problems, way more people have issues that is present in this thread.

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Star Trek>>>Star Wars.

I’m not going to be gaslit into thinking I’m gaslighting people…

Yep, for those having the issue, this is what it will look like when they hitch as an asset is loaded or a shader has to compile. I know Windows had some IO issue a while back at some point, but I think they patched it out during 21H2 or 22H2.

People could also resort to using LatencyMon to see what’s causing the DPC issues, but just make sure you don’t have any power saving stuff going on because it will throw the results off. It’s a pretty handy way to figure out if something like a bad USB/sound/network driver is causing problems or not.

You say this…

Then say this…

This is what I mean when what you say is not credible. You contradict yourself a ton.

Thats pretty funny. If I cared enough I could probably pull up 20 examples in this thread alone. You have shown over and over you are not very self aware so I dont doubt you believe this.

Star Trek = Sci-fi. Star Wars = Sci-fan.

Here’s an example of what latencymon will look like on this system that isn’t stuttering, as I go from hundreds of yards outside of Org, into a busy Org on Area52 with a ton of people near the AH+all the shadowlands nazgrim quest npcs:
Sound on, slider 10 settings+RT

So maybe people can test this out to start figuring out which drivers are hitching them up.

Ahem. Once again I gotta prove you wrong yet again…

Is Star Wars actually sci-fi?

"Star Wars might be space fantasy or space opera. But its setting is still a science fiction setting. The world of Star Wars has science-fictional devices and technology that allows the story to take place. … Meaning that yes, by default, Star Wars is science fiction.

You know I really enjoy our talks. Arguing about pointless things, like is the sky blue, is star wars sci-fi ect. But you just keep taking L after L after L. I am starting to feel sorry for you at this point. I never seen someone so comfortable being so wrong all the time.


It has the force, which is magic-magic, not some fancy “science that’s so high tech that it appears to be magic” and the plot heavily revolves around it. Sci-fan is a small circle within the big circle of sci-fi. A => B doesn’t imply B => A. Venn diagrams are hard, but go ahead and carry on with cherry picking your google results. Anyways, enough of this off topic nonsense before you get us both temp banned lol…

People with stuttering: Run LatencyMon to find out if drivers or other OS related things are the culprit. There are a lot of guides on how to do it right if you look around on youtube or something.

As an update on my end I have listed my PC specs on my previous post. Turning off audio jumped my fps up lol. I have never seen that happen before in any program. It reduced my load in freezing of players, gates of org ect ect. It has not fixed it but reduced. My PC is very high end. And I have never experienced issues with a game like this before. If turning off sound in some cases reduces the problem well I’m at a loss. I don’t understand how blizzard ignored the beta testers who posted about this before the release. And I’m sorry but at this point it’s either thousands of people are not telling the truth about these issues or the couple of people on this that are “troll helping” You know who You are and need to be ignored. To everyone else if You have to turn sounds off in a game to make it playable it’s a problem the developers need to fix simple. If only one person said they have a problem fine it’s a one off but sadly look at the size of this thread. So stop trying to act like your helping us with the contradictory “help” troll. Sadly for the rest of us hopefully we can play soon but I’m afraid this may turn into a long time situation. It makes me sad I’ve played wow as a day one player when the first server went live and after all these years finally got my Father to play this. HE loves WOW but he says it’s not fun freezing everytime a player appears on the screen. For this to be happening now with all the money we subscribe to this game makes me mad.


I do not understand why don’t you just let Blizzard fix this instead of getting in the way


I can force my system to freeze by putting world of warcraft in windowed mode without locking my cursor to window, and then proceed resize the window like a maniac with my AMD gpu and if i move the window around i can see large hints of MPO stuttering and issues the same issues i have when doing whatsapp video call and moving that window around like maniac.

I wonder if Nvidia users can manage this as well altho if not been consistent in reproducing it, and here i thought my cpu PBO was unstable cos issues came back after turning it back on.

Seems also if i put wow in a window its smoother then when in fullscreen borderless like what ? its like super smooth while in Valdraken… altho small window there no stutter at all.
I think MPO is having huge issues the sooner Nvidia users realize and start mass bug reporting this the sooner Microsoft fixes this mess on windows cos its been broken for way to long now.

Like what this guys shows right here?

Yip your right totally blizzards fault thank you for finally admitting you where wrong all along pawg

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