Massive stutters with DF client

This command seems to help tremendously.

/console SET GxAllowCachelessShaderMode “0”

this has no effect for me, the stutters are still plentiful.

The first hotfix is here


i chucked a mention to the Warcraft development twitter, hopefully they provide some clarification


There appears to be server maintenance tomorrow. Maybe that will clear things up? A gal can dream…


Hey All

Quick report time

So i have been wrapping my head around what could have possibly changed to make this problem occur recently and nothing seems to really fix the issue for me until i thought i wonder what happens when i change resize-able BAR on an RTX 3070 i heard it can improve performance

and holy crap the problems are completely gone.

So i went to my ASUS Bios, clicked resizeable bar on the top and set the option to ON and suddenly all problems are fixed at all settings, even the default “7” setting.

I also decided to with /run SET GxAllowCachelessShaderMode “0” set to “1” heres my results

Test 1
Resizeable bar OFF
/run SET GxAllowCachelessShaderMode “0”
Stutters occur in Haven when logging in any character and loading in players and textures

Test 2
Resizeable BAR ON
/run SET GxAllowCachelessShaderMode “0”
All stutter is gone in haven, tested 3 characters and no stutters occur at all

Test 3
Resizeable BAR ON
/run SET GxAllowCachelessShaderMode “1”
Their is a slight stutter with GxAllowCacheless on when entering haven but its only a single stutter for less than a millisecond then everythings smooth as butter

The only conclusion i can come to is that WoW has decided to Offload textures to VRAM rather than the SSD/Hard drive as it was doing in the past, or force VRAM utilization and having resizeable BAR improves the way games use VRAM and WoW must be utilizing this feature under the hood.

I see no other reason why enabling the feature fixed the problems, and it sucks for RTX 20 series or lesser were resizeable bar may not even work



Unironically, actually - legitimately - unplayable.

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i just went to Oribos and their is very, very minimal slight stutters that are tough to notice unless your looking for them, its 98% buttery smooth

The only conclusion i can come to is WoW’s engine has changed to Offload textures to VRAM, when it should be using the CPU/SSD or hard drive

/run SET GxAllowCachelessShaderMode “0” turns off the texture loading to an SSD for older hard disks, but even with it on, it still seems to be not be functioning as intended and using the SSD properly, instead its using VRAM on the GPU

Having the same issue. Brand new build. With or without addons.

32g 5600mhz DDR5

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They wouldn’t do that. It would just be stored in regular ram, which is why you’ll see the client using gigs of ram. And I don’t really see them making such a broad change that would screw over most of their players.

Based on the 3000 and higher series cards barely even make up 10-15% of the total. Blizzard knows these kinds of numbers and would never do something that drastic, since they try to keep the engine compatible with 5-7 year old hardware at all times.

There are a lot of other variables that you’re not taking into account like HAGS on/off, Nvidia driver version and Windows build version. Windows and Nvidia have been having a terrible feedback loop of breaking and fixing things from each other. Windows has been adding in all kinds of compatibility features, like the one they just added a while back called “Optimizations for windowed games” that basically takes older engines and makes them use the new flip models.

Has to do with shader caching on the hard drive, which is where the computed shaders are stored so they don’t have to be recalculated again %userprofile%\appdata\Local\NVIDIA\DXCache is an example of one of the caches. The actual shaders are just math and don’t have any texture information in them other than what to do with the textures when they are loaded into the shader. The stuttering is happening because the driver has to create the shader, based on the permutations like what textures are going into what slots, custom values, etc, and then it can feed it to the GPU to be used.

Think about how many possible shader combinations there would be for a game like WoW? Probably more combinations than there are atoms in the universe… And I’m actually not even joking about that, probably even that raised to ridiculous power. So games that have shaders that can vary, due to things like customization options, don’t usually store a complete prebuilt cache of everything, it would take up insane amounts of space.

But I’ll end the Ted Talk here.

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I don’t believe the previous poster was saying Blizzard did anything on purpose. Whatever is causing peoples issue is most likely a bug. A bug that existed on the beta and that Blizz will need to remedy asap before it loses effected players.

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I will not purchase the new expansion until this issue is resolved. I will not download an addon to fix it. I will not edit a file to fix it. Devs need to fix it, and they need to fix it yesterday.


Ok so, in addition to applying the command line, I have a 144hz display that I had set to 60hz to accommodate some old games. The WoW client doesn’t like this anymore (much like Fallout 4). Switching it back to native 144hz eliminated the problem completely.

Whenever I enter a new zone/area I get stuttering for about 10-15 seconds. As others have said, it was fine before this pre-patch. I noticed this on the Beta too.
System specs: i7-13700k processor, RX 6900 XT graphics card, ,32GB ddr5 5600 ram Windows 11 (with all recent updates)

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their is always that one guy who has to come in and go “no it works this way” mate i dont care. dont be that guy

I never said blizzard did anything on purpose, it could just be an oversight, or a change in the engine by accident

I am simply reporting my findings, and that the combination of turning on Resizeable BAR and applying the suggested command into wow fixed the problems for me, and my results without those features turned on.

I am just a user, reporting my testing results, whether that helps or not well see, Cavanor was able to pick that up


Lol this guy

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That’s where I’m at too, I chalked up my bad performance originally in the beta to it being a beta but for launch? No effing excuses, you want my payment? Fix your ****


This fixed my problem 100%. It’s still an issue that I would have to enable resizable bar when it was working fine before, but it cleared my fps issues and stuttering across both retail and beta.

SET GxAllowCachelessShaderMode “0” 100% worked for me also. I also have resizable bar ON

I also get issue when i do firelands bird boss, when it is summoned from behind rocks, i get kicked offline with a memory error, happened each time at exact moment its bout to spawn behind rocks.


This also helped my issue by a lot. Vsync off,resizeable bar on, SET GxAllowCachelessShaderMode “0”. Thank you all

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This seems to get rid of most of the stutters, not 100% but it’s close. It seems like it only works with resizeable bar ON though. This means it probably will not work with 20XX series and under, cards. So many are out of luck until Blizz fixes w/e they broke…

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