Massive stutters with DF client

Dragonflight is dead on arrival if this stutter goes live on November 28th. Flying will be absolutely awful with FPS crashing from 60 to 5 as you fly over towns/cities/players/npcs etc…

Some simple ways to reproduce this bug are to move to the outer ring of oribos in the north section (away from the portals). FPS will be butter smooth 60 fps (or 120 for high HZ monitors). Now run towards the center of Oribos. FPS will tank from 60 to 5 as it loads in players and NPCs.

Start in stormwind portal tower at perfect 60 fps. Fly over trade district towards target dummies. Same thing FPS tanks.

Start on West shore of Mechagon, fly due east over Bondo’s yard and the main mechagon quest hub. Going over NPCs in both Bondos and Town causes similar FPS drop (but not as extreme as oribos).

This has only happened since prepatch.

This is happening on 2 PCs in my house. One is Win 7 / GTX 1660 Super the other is Win 10 / GTX 980. Every other game is running perfect. 3 weeks ago 9.2.7 patch was running perfect.

Issue happens with or without addons.

Somehow this issue is not on the known issues list???