I already feel like I invested too much at this point to move, my fire totem quest took a lot of time and effort, I don’t want to start all over again…
More so some people invested quite bit more and want to move to lower pop servers but Blizzard staying quiet as per-normal. But this should stay up top until blizzard says if they will offer transfers to lower pop or not since this is just pure chaos.
Yeah it’s crazy they haven’t said ANYTHING yet.
You will get free server transfers, eventually. There’s no way they’ll hand out free transfers while they’re trying to gauge the populations and get the servers stabilized. It would just create more problems in the short term. So yes, free transfer are probably coming, when the majority of the servers don’t have queues anymore.
With current rerolling and chaos what populations. X-fers plus then down road server mergers and consolidation will happen.
why is it even taking players suggesting this to blizzard? free xfers just needs to happen, there’s like 5 realms worth of players waiting in queue to play
Hurry up blizzard
Dude1: what server are you playing?
Dude2: I’m playing retail
Dude1: oh your not playing classic?
Dude2: I am playing classic
Dude 1: ok sooo what server?
Dude2: retail
Dude1: I’m talking about classic!
Dude2: I know! I just told you!
I made characters on Herod before servers launched, and me and my friends decided to make new characters on the new server that launched a few days before classic, still having 5 hour queues
At this point, I don’t care if I have to pay, its just cheaper for me to pay than to reinvest 10+ hours of my time.
bro i have a lesser magic wand, do you know what lengths i went to get that
Pretty sure the players warned Blizzard that there weren’t enough servers and a lot of us paid for half a month of time to just get our names and now they want us to throw that money and days worth of playing to re-roll because they didn’t have the foresight to know their few servers weren’t going to support the population that they were going to draw?
I live in NZ, using Oceania server. made the mistake of creating a character as soon as a could out of pure hype. Went to log on about a day after classic dropped. Logged on the next morning and it was swell. I managed to log on, no Que, no wait time. Story is much different at night, all servers are full and the only and I’m in Que for 300 mins. It sucks and I’m sure there are many others in my position. I would mind a simple way for transferring servers so I don’t have to start from scratch. I would defiantly pay to transfer my character. Is there something I’m not seeing?
Retail does free transfers constantly. My home server was literaly killed by free transfers in wod.
I think free transfers are a great idea and need to be offered. By Blizzard offering brand new realms its almost like a slap in the face to the player base that had already established with friends/guilds where they were going to play but are stuck playing on those realms even with queue times because of commitments to each other. For all the “community is what matters” bs we are fed youd think they would offer this. Not having enough realms at the start was a severe oversight and being able to reserve names ahead of times, aka clogging up those realms before official release, was a mistake. Free 1 time cross realm(pve-pvp) xfers = fix mistake. Not having to have everyone reroll a toon on a different realm crap that is suggested.
why the hell does this matter in a game that has cross realm playability…
It is common sense but after seeing what has been going on and continues to go on, I dont think we are dealing with some that are abundant with it.