<Massacre> 6/10M FCN, 3/10M FSoD, 2/11M FSoFO Rogue/DK dps/Spriest

Please come validate my “Six Paths of Painsmith” Naruto reference. ; ;

Pain Smith where you come for the environment as well as the pain!

Almost that time again!

Time to take over the world?

Let’s do it!

I beat KARA!

Yay Galahad!

Holiday alts and friends run next Tuesday. SOUNDS LIKE A CONVENIENT TIME TO APPLY. :smiley:

Yay come have fun!

Uhhhh I have nothing clever to say.

I miss being able to see how high I could count. Stupid character and “must actually be a sentence” requirements :frowning:

You can count?

Do the thingy with the stuff, honestly.

Sometimes I can anyway…

Testing testing

Working working :wink:

Bo that goes bump in the night/evening.

Happy Thanksgiving!

We like to GOBBLE up Mythic raid loot… almost as much as we like gobbling up Painsmith balls.

And the spikes…