<Massacre> 6/10M FCN, 3/10M FSoD, 2/11M FSoFO Rogue/DK dps/Spriest

It sounds painful :wink:

1 more day!!!

Oh boy sleep!


Alts and friends run tonight. Lets have some fun!!! Progress on Painsmith!!! Such a fun fight

Super fun alts and friends run, tune in next week for more!

Super super Kara crew. Jinnô fan club. WHAT ELSE COULD ONE ASK FOR?

I feel like we have a lot of fan clubs lol

SKOL!!! That is all

Yep sure thing

My back is still killing me :frowning:

1 more day!!! Swamped at work today.

Raid Day!!! Bring the Pain!!!

Think we’ll kill the adds tonight?

Is it raid day yet?

Enhance Shammies where you at!!??

Do they exist?

Hi! I can swap to Enhance… IF KARA WOULD EVER LET ME! T^T

Lets do it, 251 Arms Warrior! 5/10M

Hit me up in disc!