<Massacre> 11/12M LF Healer, Mage, Boomy, Spriest

Mythic plus weekend anyone?

I dunno. That seems like a trick to me.

Happy reset day!

Going for 4/8 mythic tonight letttsss gooooooo

Well yeah, Ashvane is a b****
 Any solid ranged dps wanna come help us get her down?

How dare you say that about Ashvane! She’s clearly a Lady :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure, Bop. Sure.

She’s a very classy lady. That’s why the Queen likes her.

Sure, Breeze. Sure.

Just because she won’t fall over and offer loot, doesn’t mean you get to resort to name calling, Kara.

But I don’t want loot from her

I put in an application and I added Kara on bnet and discord. I have a few questions

Ranged dps? Come play, I promise I won’t bite!

Always gotta make it about you, huh?

Ranged dps? Come play, I promise Xero won’t bite!

It would be difficult for me to do so.

What, no teeth?

Digital bites lack the same sense of urgency that real ones have.

Digital bites

Ranged DPS come play! We can promise no biting, digital or otherwise