Mass server transfers are whats hurting TBC

How can you expect people to stay interested in the game when their server communities that were built up for two in years in classic are being eviscerated overnight by one faction transferring en masse?


Tbc is fine, adapt to the megaserver meta. Muh server community kek

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Tbc is not dying.

The meta servers are quite healthy even the upper end servers are quite healthy and remain having pop levels that are active (read log in at least once a month showing a active sub) that are higher than the highest server pops durring tbc.

That’s quite healthy abs just fine. In fact people buying mass xfers are in fact evidence of the game not dying as if it was people wouldent be paying to transfer they would be quitting. Which yes some do also but that alone is not evidence of the game dying as people quit for other reasons also.

Your realm might be dying but that is massively different than tbc dying. Why yes low pop and middle pop realms are not doing to well but that is not evidence of tbc dying that is only showing your realm and realms of that pop level are dying since people obv don’t want to be on a low/middle pop realm for obv reasons.

While I will admit tbc classic player retention is not as high as tbc had but that is not evidence of the game dying as a game can’t die so long as even one realm is healthy and it’s still getting content. Unless you know the number that blizzard will cut there losses at and pull the plug you can’t say all the low/mid pop realms dying is even remotly a issue to blizzard. In fact it’s likly not given the lack of action. So long as blizzard is happy with just the meta realms and upper end realms having healthy pops the game is not dying or will it die only the low/mid pop realms will.

Blizzard is happily counting their transfer money.


Agreed, my top liked post basically says this.

I don’t play Retail because there is really no community there. The raiding is better so for people who don’t care about community why are they not just playing Retail when that game is basically designed for them? Who knows, I try not to question it too much because people can like what they like.

I don’t think TBCC is necessarily dying either but I know so many who have quit and that’s outside of these forums because they don’t like the direction the game has taken or Blizzard has taken for that matter. I also just had a friend (alliance) come back, see the server was dying, ask about it, and I haven’t seen him again. He’s a real ID friend, he hasn’t been back in WoW, just some Diablo.

I am not a fan of mega servers, they are not my thing, and overall the stuff that’s happened in TBCC has really lowered my enjoyment of this expansion, it’s just not been that fun and seeing communities die off has been a part of that (along with huge issues with everything PVP related). So due to this stuff the game itself has become really dry and boring. Still worth a sub but not very good.

Anyway, the only good thing about mass transferring is that guilds and server communities tend to move together so you still know people etc so it’s still kind of there.

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At this point I’d rather they didn’t release wrath of the lich king. They have zero communication and feel that their way is better in all aspects. I just see them butchering something that was once great.

They just have to not dig their greedy fingers into it but they just can’t help themselves.


Wow is dying!

You heard it first here on the official forums… in 2006.


This is exactly why I might not play it.


The realm transfers are the result of a dying game, not the cause of it. Like with dungeon carries, people have this backwards.

What Blizzard needs to do is axe the smallest realms and give characters on them a free transfer off. This would pool together the players on remaining realms so that everyone has a healthy population. Players are already trying to do this themselves by paying for transfers… basically a ransom to continue playing the game. But not everyone is paying it when faced with the reality that their realm is doomed. In fact the declining sub count would imply that most people would rather unsub than pay a transfer ransom to continue playing the game they’re already paying a sub for (wo da thot).

Sadly Blizzard seems intent on leaving realms to rot while cashing in off transfers instead. This is short sighted greed that will actually earn less in the long run because they’re losing subs. Corporate greed is always short sighted. Now they’re offering “bulk discounts,” basically a discount to the ransom. They need to stop being greedy and discount it to 0, at least when used to get off dying realms.


Those serving on the board of directors think otherwise. They love transfers.

This is all fallout from blizzard mismanaging servers early on in classic.

They released too many servers instead of sticking with layering resulting in dead servers early on, a problem which carried over into TBC Classic. And didn’t faction lock pvp servers at creation or during transfers allowing massive faction imbalances to happen on top of free transfers.


Don’t worry. TBC season mastery will fix all our problems while the community moves on to beta test wotlk for 2 more years.

From natural burn out and/or people getting their fill and quitting? Sure.

They have 0. I mean. Zero. Reason to have allowed the servers to become like they are.

Not only are they allowing absurd amount of populations on servers that had Vanilla maps made for Vanilla population, it still wasn’t enough for the expansion that added Outlands maps.

Not only this, they put no faction cap on the servers.

“But the friends. But the guildies. They can’t play together!”

Faction Queue. Should have been there from the start. These 100% servers are ridiculous and gross.

And they bypassed normal server queue with layers. People happily abused layers and the gold farmers sure love them! “inv layer 2” spammed in LFG constantly to spread out resource farming.

Plenty could have been prevented. But why should they? Transfers are so lucrative.


zero communication and nothing done to mitigate the problem

private servers do a better job


The authentic TBC experience. Welcome to why TBC destroyed WoW as it was.

They need to just put everyone on Benediction already. It’s sort of heading that way.

Yeah… it drives me nuts when people say stuff like “Nobody likes world PVP” especially when I know they are just raid loggers and the same people always bring up raid entrances as the only type of PVP.

I know what I want and having a PVE “world” is not it. If I wanted that I would have rolled PVE. There’s always the option of playing on the 100% servers as the other side but it’s kind of lonely and getting gear, gems and enchants is a problem, and you really don’t get the whole game experience that way either. I know others who want the same thing.

I’m actually kind of jealous of Europe with Firemaw. A 50/50 PVP mega server. We don’t get that luxury here. I keep watching servers and things here just get worse and worse all the time.


The problem is that many people who rolled on a pvp server didn’t know what they wanted. The problem of unbalanced pvp servers and low population pve servers might seem the same but they have different causes. The latter can be solved easily with server mergers. The problem of unbalanced pvp servers can’t because too many who rolled on a pvp server really don’t want wpvp. Just to be completely clear. I’m not say everyone doesn’t like wpvp. Some like you want it others don’t even if they rolled on a pvp server. For some the reality of wpvp didn’t match what they imagined it would be.

It’s not like this didn’t happen in retail…

Server balance and world pvp are a meme.

I agree with this which is why I’ve been mostly keeping PVP talk out of the conversation (and I am aware I talked about it here) about the server pop issues… because just having no way to run group content etc is worse for everyone for the most part.

I also agree that 85%+ of people who rolled on PVP servers would have been happier on PVE.

It just sucks that I (as well as some others like me) can’t get what I really want out of the game. Like I shouldn’t have to consider creating an EU account to get what I want. So it’s just annoying mostly is all.