Mass layoffs at Activision Blizzard on the way

They tried to make WoW into a battle royale game by implementing zero battle royale mechanics/game modes/etc?

I see how you could make that leap.


Here’s hoping danuser and alex are replaced so we can get some decent story.


the story is already written out for bfa.


BFA really can’t be salvaged. Not only are too many issues core gameplay systems, but even if they magically fixed it, BFA has already become WoD2 for most people, and a huge portion of the population is not going to give it another chance. Companies get one chance for a first impression, and Ion has basically been trainwrecking that from the getgo.


Sure, I can think of many companies that went through multiple iterations of “trimming the fat”:

TWA, Syquest, GM, Eastman Kodak, Sears, Toys ‘R’ Us, Texaco , Radio Shack, The Limited, Payless ShoeSource, Circuit City, Blockbuster, Pan Am, Polaroid, Borders Books, Wang Laboratories, 

Oh wait, they all went bankrupt, didn’t they?

Well I’m sure many “came back stronger” I just can’t think of the names right now.

Seriously, restructuring isn’t always a bad thing, but it isn’t exactly a silver bullet either.

It almost always means someone in upper management screwed up, and only occasionally results in a stronger company.


Thank you for posting the article!

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I wonder how restrictive Blizzard’s merger contract with Acti is. If there is any clause about financial harm allowing them to split, they should take it.

Blizz would do far better solo than under Activision. Wouldn’t solve all the problems, but it would at least take out a few.

If you use a browser like Duck Duck Go you can continue to read them.
Incognito is a wonderful thing.


I agree with this.

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Doesn’t mean the next expansion story can’t be saved. Or even the future patches.

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The more news I keep hearing about Blizz/Acti the more I think about how awkward the next Blizzcon is going to be.


Ahh finally some action!
Perhaps Act-Blizzard may stave off death yet.

They’ll turn it into E3 and force the masses to watch everything online :confused:

Seriously. I hope the Warcraft story can continue after WoW is put on terminal auto-pilot. Personally, I’d love to have another RTS version, even if it would just be a re-skinned SC2.

An easier link for late readers.


Guess we will find out on Tuesday, when all the sleepy dev’s come into work and open their weekly chest, peer inside and instead of seeing shinies, see a little pink slip of paper.

Centralizing Functions and Boosting Profit

That isn’t good.

If your company tells you they are “centralizing functions” and switching to a “boosting profit” mentality, you might as well start looking for another job if you aren’t a key player in making that company any serious revenue.


I don’t think they can “afford” to have another BlizzCon, especially if all it is going to net them is “bad press”.


Blizzard operates separately. I highly doubt there’s going to be mass layoffs at Irvine.


hahahaha, knew this was coming

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