Mashing X to sit/stand triggers RECK charges and Enrage/Blood Craze on the Beta

  • Being critically struck while using /sit to sit does not cause abilities like Enrage, Blood Craze, and Reckoning to activate.

Is wrong.

These 2 videos prove that is false blizzard.

originally published on warcraft movies on 2006-02-24[Baconn]

( 120 Human Paladin22915 Normally if you’re sitting down you would not get Reckoning charges from auto-attacks. However, you could gain charges from random NPCs by constantly sitting and standing up due to server lag: mob would try to attack you as your were sitting, so it’d be a forced crit. However, if you stood up just as you were getting hit, the server would see you as if you were standing and get a Reckoning charge. That’s from Baconn the Paladin who wrote the blue stickied Reckoning guide on the original vanilla wow forums: Poster:

Baconn at 5/25/2006 11:30:17 AM PDT Subject: Guide to Reckoning V2 (Current 1.10) The Blue post was written by a Vanilla PLAYER - not a Blizzard Dev or CM - all the CM did was sticky it. After patch 1.10, Baconn (the author of the stickied post) never bothered to update it.
The forum in 2005 shows a paladin saying reckoning doesnt work from sit, but sit to sit is not thesame as just sitting And that was a 2005 comment yet we still see paladins in 2006 gaining reckoning from sit to sit

There are 2 videos and 1 written description that prove that

Being critically struck while using /sit to sit DOES cause abilities like Reckoning to activate.

Blizzard we have hard evidence of this. Please all we need is 400ms specific batching for reckoning. Remove 10ms for reckoning please.

You put 400ms for spell batching and yet we have evidence reckoning works with original spell batching in the video and also /sit to sit is meant to be able to trigger abilities like reckoning.

We can see it in the two 2006 videos Blizzard.

Nerco’ing posts especially a 3 year old one is against forum rules. Knock it off and go cry about being awful at pvp somewhere else.


I signed up to play a fantasy RPG and if I have to watch paladins sitting and standing and sitting and standing in the middle of battle, I honestly don’t know if I could continue to play this game.

And I signed up to play how those guys in the 2 videos played the game because it’s fun.

Well I’m glad blizzard has sense enough to not allow such a stupid exploit.

If it’s an exploit then seal twisting is an exploit. And guess what? They are allowing you and me to seal twist so way to be paradoxical. It literally works thesame as Seal twisting does. Inside the batching.

Yeah cause there’s nothing immersion breaking about a fighter sitting up and down over and over again during battle. And I’d be happy if they got rid of seal twisting too, but at least it’s not immersion breaking.

Yes it is. We never had seal of Command to seal of righteousness seal twists exist in 2006! Thata definitely immersion breaking. It was always command to justice or other seals. At least with reckoning its truer to the game. And not something made up. So it should be 400ms like seal twists. Not 10ms. At least it’s true to the game.

Give it up, you’re not going to get your way. Blizzard obviously has a lot more common sense than you.

If spell twisting works with spell batching with 400ms. Then reckoning should too.
Either get rid of both or give us both.
It’s been proven in the 2 videos it does.

If that bothers you, you’ve got bigger problems there, cowboy.

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Blizzard says you’re wrong.

So deal with it or unsub.

Video is right and you are wrong silly.

Grow glasses.

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Holy cats, this is a necro that even Sylvanas would be proud of.

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True my son

It was specifically known you can gank people regularly using reckoning bomb
Now its impossible with 10ms. Reckoning should have a 400ms batching like seal twisting

Also why would there be a 5 step process in the how to be a gankadin video telling you to charge up if it was impossible with 10ms?

Even this video states in words SITZEN MEANS SIT

5 crits + Sitzen = 5 in 1 hit crit hit

So blizzard you are kidding yourselves if you are making it impossible for paladins to use /sit to stand with reckoning. It was always possible in classic and that video is 14 august 2006. 8 days before 1.12.

Why else would there be SITZEN + 5 crits ?

They changed it specifically for Classic, you brainlet. You’re not getting stacks from sit spam. That’s corny as hell. Way to necro a thread from May 2019 though.

I would love to know what you think you’re proving by posting videos from 2006. And no, it was never possible in Classic, because Blizzard specifically changed it to not work like that.

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They only changed it in tbc you noob.
The first change was limiting it from 1816 stacks to 4 stacks. Then the second was a change from 4 stacks to a 10% proc chance to gain 1 extra swing.

In Classic, you know, the re-release of vanilla WoW in 2019, it was changed to not proc off of sitting.

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Nope /sit to stand always worked with /sit it to stand. Esfand showed us this in the beta. It remained all the way up until the last patch to the end of classic in patch 1.13.7 until the removal of 400ms.

Sit to stand is different from just sitting