Margrave Krexus

He was too cool to be killed off.


Varian was the last memorable great guy for me :frowning:


Duuuude put a FREAKIN SPOILER ALERT ffs…


And off screen. crazy. It would be like if Bronn had been killed of screen(or at all). wth.

like oh hey guys. Bronn is dead. sorry.


Incidentally Margrave Sin’dane is redeemed with Kel’Thuzad becoming the Villain of the House of Rituals!

At least we know one Margrave is going to be available to succeed the Primus if necessary!

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Krexus lasted a total of 10 minutes of gameplay


Who happens to be yet another female replacing a male leader once again.

And while Alexandros Mograine predates Draka in Chosen seniority, it is she who takes pretty much the central role of spokeperson for the covenant.

The single male in the covenant to have any leadership in the hierarchy and story is Renathal, and he shares about half the voice lines with The Accuser, so…


Imagine being this triggered by imaginary women.


yeah major waste of a character.


Is it the last we’ll see of him? What happens to the beings who die in Maldraxxus?

I have a feeling he’ll be revived eventually. They created a full cinematic model for him after all. Kind of a waste otherwise.

My only complaint is that Vyraz has a generic model.

Come on…


Rip margrave.
One minute of silence for him.

I don’t think he would want silence. More like a legendary thrash-metal solo rift!

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Seriously. Gotta love it when a badass character, one who features on the loading screen and was even in the Afterlives: Maldraxxus video, dies after a bit of questing offscreen. At least Denathrius and the Jailor will get boss fights.


I just love how they make him look all important and cool…only to kill him off screen.


I was sad that Krexus died. :frowning:

How is this even possible? he was one of the primary figures of the expansion, was at the title artwork of Shadowlands, the main loading screen and in a cinematic but dies randomly in a starting quest? now his soul is trapped in the Maw most likely or went deeper into the Shadowlands free from their conflicts in Maldraxxus

It’s not clear what happens when you die in the Shadowlands but it looks like that’s game over. There is no other place for your soul to go to. You cease to exist.

The system kind of shows in a clear way when we see what happens to the souls of the adventurers themselves since they simply become fully immaterial until they are able to manifest, and the Shadowlands are infinite so there are surely other places that they go including the bosses that perished in the Shadowlands