As of 10/14 The Nothing has downed Luci/Mag/Geh/Garr/Shazz/BG
Sans Nom killed 8/10 tonight
Silver Tryhards downed Onyxia for the first time today.
A little late on this one but Karma is currently on Rag. We killed Domo 10/14/19. We killed Ony on 10/07/19.
Just wanted to add here that the Party Planning Committee has killed Rag as of 10/10/19 and have downed Onixya as well
God Complex has downed Domo 16/10/19
No Rag yet, but we feeling real good for next week.
Has downed Rag. MC clear as of 10/17
Updated at 10:10pm PST 10/17/19! Nicely done everyone!
edit: lol post #69
All the guilds who PUG more than half of their members shouldn’t be posting here as progression. You’re not progressing as a guild, you’re using randoms to “progress” and that isn’t fair to any of the real progression guilds who don’t PUG anyone. You should fix this posting to not include PUG Only guilds.
Just saying.
Fury cleared Sulfuron weeks ago when we started. You didn’t get him marked down.
Fury cleared Domo 10/10.
Fury cleared Ony 10/14
Fury cleared Rag 10/17
All guild only, no pugs. Don’t wanna make this guy mad over here^
Hardcore Casuals has cleared 5/10 on 10/16. Full guild run.
We’re definitely on the honor system here without me being able to pull up any records from third party sites, so if you know of some guild doing this, please bring it to my attention.
Updated 10/18/19 @ 6:05pm PST
I am the gatekeeper, have you seen the keymaster?
Ragnaros dead today, 19th october. Also all our runs have been 100% guild runs, no pugs, in case anyone here was wondering lol.
Catalyst downed Rag - 10/19/19
Updated! Congrats Catalyst and The Nameless!
Ascension killed ony on 10/8/19 we have killed Luc/Mag/Geh/Garr/Shaz/Baron/Gole/Sulf.
God Complex (H)
Ascension (H)
Speak of the devil ^ lol
Haven’t kept up on my Ally toon so I wouldn’t know for sure.
Hey Deepthots,
we have been getting attacked by this nameless human for whatever reason he has against us, i do not know.
As his claim is invalid, and he has absolutely no proof of this, I would be happy to prove our accomplishments at your request. Hit me up in game if you need some validation.
Thanks for doing all this and have a nice week.
Hardcore Casuals killed Onyxia, shazzrah, and sulfuron on 10/20