Man'ari eredar customization for draenei what do you think?

Gods that would be sweet though.

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Only if they are Alliance and can be Warlocks. Would change this guy so quickly.

look so good!

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I’d personally rather Man’ari be a Horde allied race. Mostly because I just don’t find it believable that the Draenei/Lightforged (as a people) and by extension the Alliance, would accept them. On the other hand, the Horde has a history of taking in the outcasts that no one else will, especially if there’s a military advantage to doing so.

Right now the Alliance have the Draenei and Lightforged with their respective spaceships/technology and the Horde have no equivalent. The Man’ari being taken in by the Horde would provide a counter to that tech advantage by bringing former Legion tech to the Horde.

With all that said, if the devs decided to give Man’ari customization to Draenei, I wouldn’t really object to it. I just personally don’t feel like it would make sense
 not that something not making sense has ever stopped Blizzard before. :man_shrugging:

of course many people would play it

I think Eredar should have been the allied race and Lightforged should have been a customization option.

Would have been much more interesting.

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this 10/10

Its not in the budget.

Having eredar customization would contradict the draenei being the few members of their species who didn’t join the Legion. The former would almost definitely be a separate race whose classes include warlocks and maybe demon hunters in exchange for paladins, priests, and DKs unless they say “screw it” and give them the last one anyway for the sake of parity.

Yeah it’s hard to think they would be accepted into alliance between the night elves and and the lightforged draenei now. I actually think the Draenei would be the most accepting of them, seeing how Velen reacted to his son. It isn’t far fetched to think the Draenei would see the eredar as people they failed or pity them and want to help them. But horde makes more sense.

As for the whole spaceship thing I feel the loa are really terrifying weapons. It would be very dumb to underestimate what the trolls can do with power like that backing them up. What’s a spaceship good for if you can control the people controlling it with a little whisper? Lol

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I’m a Draenei/Lightforged Draenei on all my characters except my Demon Hunter (cause demon hunter ;s)

There is no redemption/means for the Man’ari to join either the Alliance or Horde and it’s unlikely creative development will build a redemption arc for them (outside of redeeming them through a process that cleanses through the light).

They’re too far gone and are at the same level as red Orcs in outland. With that said - Broken don’t have the same level of fel corruption and could be a good candidate to join the ranks of the Alliance.

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some eredar help fight the legion like Val’zuun

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