Man this really sucks... Will Blizzard listen? Unofficial Mistweaver support group:

I’m trying to main mistweaver, and didn’t do the proper research before making this guy. I have been wanting to make a monk for some time and finally did. And now I come to find I run out of mana insanely fast, my healing is not up to par, I die easily and can’t really PvP…

Man, I don’t know what to do.

Just reroll. I made a disc and its soooo much easier. They really need to address MW, it is plain not fun.

I think I am sadly going to have to reroll. I keep being told to fistweave but I mustn’t be very good at it. I want to learn and improve but am having difficulty. I’m plain terrible at arenas and that’s what I wanted to play. I’m considering going back to either my shaman at this point, despite having to level it up and jump through all of the damn hoops again.

Sorry to whine. I just really wanted to play as a normal MW and now find out it’s the worst healer – or so everyone tells me. Gah… :cry:


I lost the ability to add to this thread and edit
(Maybe blizzard has problems with our support group?)
So I will update here if it becomes a necessity and Blizzard doesn’t answer my ticket, hopefully people will see :frowning:

Update 1-10
Upon doing arena this week I thought of a really good change to help the burst from other players, enveloping mist needs an upfront heal, currently it is back-loaded to have great healing during its channel but it has no upfront healing, I would change it as follows.

Enveloping Mist
2,500 Mana 40yd range
Wraps the target in healing mists,
healing for 4,000 plus an additional 3500
over 7sec, and increasing healing received
from your other spells by 40%.

Right now monks don’t exactly have a burst heal not counting vivify which requires us to be casting while channeling, but the problem from vivify is if it is not enough and we need to use enveloping mist, that global of a second can mean some big problems when facing a team, which lets be honest is pretty much every team right now, that has high burst.

This is also the first week I feel confident enough to do more than a +9, keep in mind I have never had a problem with healing a mythic plus if its a good group, not one group will take me. Guess Ill have to do my own key :confused: hope the stigma of the class doesn’t keep people from wanting to join my group.
Update: I got my 10 done! I thanked the team for not believing the stigma, we did not make time because of some stupid ability stacking that kept wiping us, you’d think there would be a part of the code that says if the group has to stack a 1 shot mechanic cant happen but its all good 220 ILVL on Tuesday!
Please keep in mind other monks judging me in the community, I came to moonguard to get away from bad WM to the promise land of RPWM. My guild is not exactly what I would call a guild. The one dungeon I did with them was a 4 which we couldnt beat due to dps not killing ads on bosses… I am also in Uni so I have no time for a guild ATM… so thats my life and why I am in the pug world, alone. Haha.

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I wish I had a tank friend XD my friend is a hunter lolol.

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Are you fistweaving in PvE?

Fistweaving in M+ is pretty much the only route to go. It’s possible to go very far with fistweaving. However until they make ATOTM smart heal it can’t beat TOM I believe. I hope they do eventually make it smart heal though, or ya know, when two legendarys are a thing just both of em😊


I play Night Fae as a fistweaver. It has high Mana cost. Is it worth using often? I am still very much learning.

Honestly of the four covenants night fae seems the worst. Espiecally in keys, IMO. I’m venthyr and I enjoy having an additional cd in case of emergency. Kyrian plus chi ji gives a turbo charged cd, and necrolord is nice in raid. In keys BDB plus SCK is nice for aoe dmg.

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I know but it’s too late now… I’m not switching covenants.

I’m also running nightfae and I find it useful in keys for aoe dps and a quick heal with RM woven in as well. I think all of our heals need their mana cost reduced tbh.

Biggest thing I’ve found sucks this week 1)ranged that are bad at quaking (had a hunter run into me like I owed him money my last key) 2) mana cost. Tanks want to just blow through stuff. A bad tank makes our job much harder and people standing in bad are even worse. I think that with the way Blizzard tuned shamans (aka overtuned) it means that ppl expect you to keep them alive through avoidable dmg and are mad if you can’t. As someone who plays disc also I can say theres some real imbalances around healer throughput in 5mans rn.

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Can I effectively fistweave in PvP?

How come Blizzard doesn’t do anything? Why won’t they listen?


No. No you can not. Positioning is key for MW atm, as we’re uber squishy. You’d get deleted by poppin EF & pushing for dps.


You don’t have to, play what you enjoy. Unless you push world first raiding content or want to be 2400 in pvp you can literally play anything and be fine. If you aren’t enjoying the fast oom you can switch or you can practice and get better. Fistweaving isn’t complicated, and you’ll find yourself with more mana then in UW.the UW build is also very strong, however it requires you to manage your mana a lot better then with fistweaving.

What does UW stand for?


So good news! I got a +10 finished, I thanked the group at the end for not believing the stigma.

No I do not fistweave in PVE, It is not smart enough to deal with people standing in stupid. Many will tell you to use Tears because it is our best healing boost, however I would caution beginner mistweavers in doing this. I found that using Clouded Focus is the best for my mana, and I am 100% able to do 10s. I also believe that this legendary is BIS for PVP content based solely on the fact that every other healer in the game has better mana regen than us. Again there is NO OTHER mistweaver that will agree with me, but I really think this is imperative to the night fae mistweaver because we do not have strong covenant abilities like all other covenants.

Please be cautious about reading other monks, make sure they are doing the same content you are doing, many will offer suggestions based off their experience, most are in guilds not pugging with an actual team that coordinates better than the PUG world. On a good team we are OF COURSE not bad, because no one takes stupid damage. This is in no way a diss to other monks, I respect everyone’s opinions wholeheartedly, this is just a simple fact. Math works in perfect situations, but perfect situations are minimal in the pug world.

Fistweaving is also not viable in PVP right now, sadly the burst damage is just too high for the set up of getting 3 tiger palms out to heal.

I am also a Night Fae, welcome to the weakest covenant for mistweaver, haha, I will pray for you :slight_smile:

The only time I use my ability is for stacking in raid/m+ or if I have run out of options for AOE, (which happens very regularly.)

I do not use Upwelling, it is not good enough for m+ or pvp, maybe raiding it is but I am speaking from the perspective of doing all content not just raiding. I choose Focused Thunder, it increases my direct healing to deal with spike damage in all cases, this helps greatly in m+ and PVP. However I will admit I have now given up on mistweaving in arena considering my parner is Survival and they are dealing with their own issues right now (kill the 10k health pet cripples the SV hunter). I would however, switch to upwelling for raid or most likely throw my fistweaving bracers on to stupid spread overheal the group and keep my mana and pad the meters. IMO there is truly no place for a monk vs all other healers in raid. I’m sorry other monks, you don’t agree but its how I feel.

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I posted this in another post, thought I would add it to the post in hopes other Mistweavers struggling in Torghast will find it useful.

I have finished layer 8 as a Mistweaver as of yesterday.
my set up:
5 corrosive
as much health as possible
touch of death increase health by X
any other passive stat increase

I do not use ANY of the orbs I get from the vendor, I save them all for lvl 18 then I click them until I get the 1.5 minute immunity buff, pull the boss, pop the pot, spam vivify till about 3mill health, fortifying brew to buff health to about 3mill and touch of death kill the last boss. GGs
Took me a grand total of about 40 hours of played time to complete layer 8.

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You are entitled to your own opinion, however fistweaving allows for a larger margin in error for pugs as it can allow more RNMs out for big vivify healing. Also Tom in keys because of the 20% viv healing increase as well as the ENVM healing. It’s also a huge mana saver because ENVM will undoubtedly be your top heal or close to it, being able to double the duration of ENVM means you don’t have to cast it as often.