[Mal’Ganis] 3/9M <Responsibilities> LF Raiders for Mythic Prog and M+ - PREF MAGE/WARLOCK

Bump - LF various roles/specs for raiding.

Bumping this post!

Morning bumpage

bumpity bump bump. Reach on out!

Bump - LF solid players across all specs/roles for relaxed Mythic progression.

Bumping it on up! We have cookies!

Bump - LF a solid Brewmaster or Mistweaver Monk for relaxed Mythic progression.

Bump - LF a solid Brewmaster or Mistweaver Monk for relaxed Mythic progression. Also looking for any class/spec/role for M+/Heroic clears/general play.

Bump! Looking for Monks among other classes to join the guild!

Bumping this post

Bump still recruiting!

Bumpity bump bump

Bump bump!!

Bump - LFM for all the things

Bump - LFM for the things that we do that get us the things

Tank here, sent you a msg on disc

twofac3 is my disc name

Bump - LFM for all the things (casuals too!)

Bump - Doing the things and LFM

Bump - LF a solid Mistweaver Monk for relaxed Mythic progression.

Always looking for more!!!