Making T-mogs fun again? How about Vile Fumigator's Mask?!

They should add transmog sets that are connected to profs. Not actual gear with stats, but more like vanity sets, and add new ones over time. Maybe have them based on themes from different tier levels and use the mats that correspond with that expansion to make them. Or have alternate color schemes for already existing sets.

I think it would help to make profs fun again.

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Yes. Grey/white gear would be great to open up to mogging. There are some weapons and armor that are exclusively grey/white and not available for mogging. That wavy sword from the Panda starting zone for example.

Also, I’d love for the Krokul Mining Pick from Argus to be moggable. That’s the closest thing we have to Akama’s sickles.

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I’d like to mog a slot not an item. Tired of mogging a piece of armor and then getting a better one and having to go back and mog all over again. Just make the mog to a slot like head slot, hand slot, etc. That way if we change gear the mog stays. I’m pretty sure other games I’ve played had this and I enjoyed it a lot.

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Let us mog ALL holiday items. C’mon! Blizz you let us mog floppy fish maces, there’s zero excuse for not letting us mog flower crowns. I mean, I haven’t even bothered to get some holiday items, like the witch hats, because I know I can’t use them the rest of the year. That’s wasted holiday content.

While you’re at it, let us somehow soulbind and mog white and grey items too.

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Hell yeah!

I miss how WildStar did it (RIP WIldStar). They had costume slots. Basically like the saved mogging sets we make but we could change them at any time, and it was the slots not the items that were mogged.

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Don’t be silly, that would totally break everyone’s immersion, you need to respect our lore.

Proceeds to put on giant squid mask with a witch hat.

Honestly, you people need to take this game more seriously.

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So just have a permanent appearance that doesn’t change regardless of what gear you equip?

I think it would be cool that during the Hallow’s End holiday all characters have access to all armor and weapon appearances.

Yes. If you want a different mog you just remog or if you want what the gear looks like you unmog it.