Making Macro to yell Mortal Strike target, how do I avoid spamming chat with it

I’ve made a simple macro that will yell the name of the target that I’ve used Mortal Strike on. This is so my team knows who to focus down after I’ve casted it. However, if I’m mashing Mortal Strike for some reason because I’m out of rage, I don’t want the message to be spammed in chat. How would I make it so that it only yells this IF I’ve casted Mortal Strike. This is the Macro so far:

#showtooltip Mortal Strike
/cast Mortal Strike

as far as i know, you can’t. each press will /Y.


It’s an addon that manages that sort of thing.

You can set it to, say, only stay that 10% of the time.

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Untested but this should do what you need. Only yells if MS is off cd.

#showtooltip Mortal Strike
/cast Mortal Strike
/run local s,n="Mortal Strike",GetUnitName("target") if GetSpellCooldown(s)==0 then SendChatMessage("MORTAL STRIKE ON "..n..", HEALING REDUCED",YELL) end
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