Trivial to you when you got KSM very early and started farming Hero gear and gilded crests from M+ right away. Around 5% of players are like you. But you are not the majority. Sorry if Delves is useless for you. It is working as intended as it is very obvious that it’s not for you.
Delves 8 is really trivial even for me who is super casual. But i took advantage of it for me to overgear lowbie M+ allowing me to get KSM regardless if i kept on getting bad PuGs with low M+ score people as i am not wanted on high keys anyway.
Delves 11 on 11.1 would drop gilded crests. They are not Delves 8. It would be fun for me. Just learned that MM would keep their pets. We dont deserve to suffer like other Range Classes with no Pet like Mages on high Delves. RoFL.
I think the problem is how do you make delves difficult without just making them tedious when the only tuning / scaling knob you’ve given yourself as a developer is unavoidable white hit / bolt damage and mob hp.
My expectations are they will, once again, under shoot due to the limitations of delves being untimed low complexity spec agnostic content that can be done both solo and in groups. How can they make something like that difficult for both a blood dk / protection paladin and a sub rogue?
I am not sure. I tried few Delves 11. It’s like there’s an added mechanics not just adjusting mob damage and mob hp. I was being surprised to be killed from it. But i was able to overcome it. I had fun.
I still do Delves for Vault… but instead of Delves 8, i am doing Delves 10 for now with occassional Delves 11 if i want to risk as i might fail the run.
This is what I would do basically, long story short.
Get rid of the world quest stuff where you run in a circle pattern and unweb prisoners.
I would just make each room a pull room. The mob placements and patrols themselves would be the puzzle. If you’re strong you just zug and kill everything.
You need to not be lazy and actually design and program patrol routes. Might be asking for too much these days. I mean they have things that move around 5 feet maybe, but they’re not actually well thought out pull packs that have enough variance in their route to where you could accidentally butt pull a patrol.
I like Delves, but always hesitate before doing them because:
they take 4x longer to complete than dungeons
after all that, might not get any good rewards, namely: better gear, anyways
And getting some junk item that is vendorable for 25g or 50g doesn’t constitute “a reward”
A “treasure room” with mounds of gold, but player only gets 5 “piles” each containing 3g, is not a “reward” when they can go outside to kill trash mobs or do an easy old-school quest that rewards way more. And getting some “crest” or token/currency in low single-digit values, essentially equivalent to a few pennies, where old shops accepting them require piles of dollars, isn’t a “reward”.
In other words, Delves aren’t rewarding for the time/effort spent.