Making a macro to "Cast x if possible, but if not cast y"


Is it possible to make a macro to activate travel form - but if it’s not possible to do this (e.g., I’m indoors) it activates cat form instead?

Macro “decisions” are limited to the available conditionals. So, unless there is a relevant conditional, it can’t cast something different if the main spell would fail.

In this case, you are in luck, as there are [indoors] and [outdoors] conditionals.

So, you can use something like this:

/cast [outdoors][swimming]Travel Form;Cat Form

Edit: Added a swimming conditional so you can still use aquatic form while indoors.


Thanks so much, friend.

The concept of “conditionals” made me wonder… is there a pretty straightforward macro guide out there somewhere that explains all these possibilties in simple to understand terms?

The one pinned in these forums:

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