Make Whirling Dragon Punch a proper capstone talent suggestion

Whirling Dragon Punch should be the ultimate finisher of the class. As Monk is in a bad spot this would be the perfect opportunity to make this button slap again.

Make it a proper Capstone talent. My suggestion would be:

Whirling Dragon Punch stays as it is

Follow up capstone talent Blessing of the elemental drake

4 Blessings (fire, water, earth, wind) with fixed rotation:

First Whirling dragon punch has fire element

the whirling dragon punch leaves a dot on each target it hits plus afterwards you get a buff (Blessing of the fire dragon) every attack leaves a dot on the target hit for each chi spent. Buff duration 15 seconds

Next Whirling Dragon punch will be
whirling dragon punch leaves a hot on party members plus you get a buff (Blessing of the water dragon) your attacks ignore armor bc you attack with agile water style. Buff duration 15 seconds

whirling dragon punch shields your party plus you earthquake (aoe dmg) for each chi spent around you. Buff duration 15 seconds.

Whirling dragon punch gives haste to you and your party plus your attackrange is increased by 5 yards and your party gets a movespeed increase for each chi spent. Buff duration 15 seconds.


Eh wdp always felt clunky and added buttons unnecessarily.

I’d rather they work on actually good monk tree capstones

If it replaced FLS I’d be ok with it. Buff the damage. Make it so that it buffs the next ability with an elemental depending on the ability you choose. Kind of like blackout combo.

I hate FLS existing in our tree still


Here’s a list of, IMO, what would be pretty awesome WW capstones.

Rising Sun Kick now has 2 charges.

Your GCD is halved.

The return of the Rising Sun Kick damage taken increase debuff being what percentage out mastery percentage is, but this time it stacks. 5 stacks max.

Rolling Thunder: You can now discharge all your Thunderfist charges in one roll, and it’ll do the damage of all charges to all targets you roll through.

Touch of Death activates at 30%.

“Master of 1000 Strokes”

During Storm Earth and Fire/ Serenity, all attacks benefit from Combo Strikes regardless of if they are the same as the previous attack. This effect lingers for 6 seconds after the cooldown expires.

Also, either get rid of Hit Combo by baking it into Mastery or fix it to be 2% per stack maxing out at 10 stacks like it was during Legion and the talent was actually worth using.

Pretty sure master of a 1000 strokes is going to get meme’d on… Maybe call it something else.



Yeah, you’re probably right.

I hate the internet.

I don’t like the idea of our damage being tied to our mobility, it felt terrible in warlords.

This could be a good mastery, for balance sake it can reset after 5 stacks have happened and an additional benefit happens after it falls off.

I still like the touch of death that becomes a passive and the dmg we deal to targets under a health % just take increased dmg.
We could be real “burn phase” powerhouses and our dps would only rise with difficultly instead of lessen.

Difference between WoD and this is that this only happens every 40 sec instead of every 20 with Chi Torpedo. Also, the prospect of doing 4M damage in a global is very juicy.

Which is something that can be triggered some other way instead of our mobility