You’re absolutely correct. Though 69.69% of demon hunters agree that taking statistics is less effort than it’s worth.
Nice sweeping generalization there bud. By 6.2 affliction was pulling higher numbers than both demo and destro. So not only are you salty but you’re not educated as well. Demonology is fine where it’s at. Just needs tuning in numbers.
Also if people REALLY quit the game or get mad over metamorphasis then they have to check their priorities because… That’s a big oof. It wasn’t even that fun, the best thing about meta was demon bolt because it looked visually cool. Turning into a low res edgelord wasn’t THAT great.
You people just don’t get it. The way demo is now, it’s easier for Blizzard to fine-tune it. Back then it was like trying to balance two specs at once, which is essentially what it was. Not that you care though, you’re only thinking about yourself.
All I know is I never metamorphosis I didn’t like…
It was not. I can see a case for adding a talent or a cooldown for players who like the idea of a transformation being part of Demonology.
But not as the primary mechanic.
Look through the forums and talk with anyone who actually played end game Demonology In MoP/WoD vs Legion/BFA. The consensus is that people would rather play the old Demonology over the current Demonology. It’s funny that you mentioned 6.2. Isn’t that when Blizzard stated that they didn’t want people playing Demonology and nerfed it so hard it was impossible to actually quest with? A lot of people back in the day played Demonology because it was fun not because it was pulling higher numbers. In 5.4, Destro was the number one dps and a lot of Warlocks ran Demo cause it was funner.
It doesn’t make sense, why do people have to check their priorities for quitting a game they don’t find enjoyable anymore. There’s a lot of people that have realized over the years that Blizzard isn’t listening to them so they don’t want to invest their time and money into a game that just keeps disappointing them. Btw, the low-res edgelord is still used today for a lot of YouTube intros/images so I think a lot of people enjoyed it.
It’s easy to fine-tune a class no one wants to play. Making it OP is the only way that a majority of locks will play it. I would bet that people would still rather play Aff or Destro over a hypothetical OP Demo. It’s super boring, has bad mobility outside of procs, and isn’t practical to use because it’s horribly slow to buildup. What spec do you play when you push keys, do raids, or quest? I would bet that it’s not Demonology.
If you look close, people are suggesting to make a talent to empower themselves instead of a Demon. It could even be the wotlk or Cata talent. The current Demo is quite boring compared to every pre-legion demonology spec, other warlock specs, and other pet classes.
Even if you actually enjoyed playing the current Demonology spec then adding a talent wouldn’t take away from your gameplay. Outside of survival, which is a whole different argument, demonology is the least played spec and one of the specs that people request to be rerolled that I’ve seen.
You… You’re ignorant. The entire reason we aren’t in SL right now is because Blizzard listened to the players, the reason they made changes to covenants etc, is because they listened.
If the only reason people played demo was for meta, then Demon hunter is there waiting for them. Demon Hunter is actually pretty fun so they should give it a go.
If you did not want to turn into a demon you could have played the other specs. They were waiting for people like you. What Blizzard did was wrong, they gutted a whole spec and gave it to a new class. If they did something like that with more popular classes/specs people would be crying murder.
It is fine not to like what other people in enjoyed but to look down on their enjoyment like it is trash is just wrong. And you are ignorant, just because Blizzard is listening now does not negate all the times they did not listen and the players suffered for it. They are listening now because the game would have died if they released another poorly done xpac. Not they care about what the general player based wants.
Lul, well I mean all in all it doesn’t really matter that much does it? Meta isn’t coming back, and it makes it easier for the dev team to work on demonology now that they don’t have metamorphosis blocking the path. Also to say that demon hunter stole meta is completely wrong. Metamorphosis was a demon hunter ability in WC3. I would have been shocked if Blizzard DIDN’T give it back to them.
Cata demo will always be the superior demo.
You obviously didn’t play Metamorphosis Demonology warlock because they have nothing in common besides the spell name. If the play style for DH was the same as old Demolock then people wouldn’t be upset. Most would play a DH. They’re completely different and the only similar thing was the name of the spell. Hardly a reason to gut a class and make it horrible, leave it, then forget it. We don’t even care about the charge system. Give us a renamed metamorphosis on a 2-3 minute cd that changes our spells to touch of chaos, chaos wave, demonic leap, and doom.
You’re obviously the ignorant one. Blizzard was behind schedule because of COVID and it couldn’t have been prevented. No one blames them but for some reason people like you have to blame someone. Almost every major game for all platforms are being delayed right now. Don’t try to convince everyone that they delayed SL because they were listening to the players. Most of the major changes have been balancing issues. They made borrowed powers/legendaries too strong, awards, and complicated for some classes so they had a lot of issues.
If they would’ve listened to the players they would’ve gotten rid of borrowed powers, kept pally auras passive, actually unpruned old specializations, and added more diversity per spec. They would’ve also reworked Demo lock, survival hunter, prot warrior, enhance shaman, and feral Druid because they all have either relied to heavily on borrowed power or have been the reigning worst specs. Now all of those specs are stuck with what they have for whole expansion. If Blizzard is listening to their players then they will rework those classes mid expansion instead of giving them a bandaid to continue their journey. It’s something they have never done before and I doubt they will do that.
I will give credit where credit is due. They definitely added in some good things that made some classes feel more whole. Malific Rapture is a great example. It’s the whole reason I started playing my lock again. The legendaries are really interesting align with how you get them. Also, SLs looks amazing and I’m excited to play it. However, a couple of interesting adds won’t fix years of neglect.
Or delete Demon Hunters and make Warlocks the de facto demon masters.
Ya I said it.
If only, lol. I got no hate for DHs.
You called?
Demonology metamorphosis didn’t resemble the current Demon Hunter forms, but it did resemble the Illidan ultimate from WC3.
Visually, it was based directly on a signature Illidan ability. I doubt that it would ever have been implemented that way had there been plans for a Demon Hunter class in the near future, but the whole idea of Illidan’s return and the retcon of his death in Black Temple came much later.
The visual is not coming back to Warlocks, I’m pretty sure. It’s too closely tied to Illidan. We saw it associated with him in Legion.
But there could be a talent that allows Demonology to transform, rather than summoning a tyrant. I could see that happening. Visually, it could be more like the Gul’dan transformation in the Nighthold fight.
I will miss my big green demon form but I’ll take it. As long as Demonology has the choice of empowering themselves.
Or give DH a ranged spec. Preferably a ranged healing spec.
The Gul’dan transformation resembles the Demon Skin transformation used by the Demon Hunter tank spec, though it’s a more spectacular version of it.
At the time Demon Hunters were introduced, the idea was that Warlocks subjugate demons and control fel energies, while demon hunters infuse themselves with fel energy and take on demonic characteristics.
But there’s obviously some overlap there, and Demon Hunters are established as very popular now.
I could see a warlock transformation being added back in for Demonology at some point, with a new visual. Probably not as the main mechanic, but as a talent or cooldown.
Again, just throwing it out there, could just bring back meta in the form of a CD the way it was in cata, wouldn’t cause major reworks As it basically just acts as a 26 second buff to your damage, and your pets damage via base increase, plus mastery modifier applying to it.
But let’s say they do add it back, I would also argue that many of demos cooldowns will need their times adjusted a bit to be more in sync, because even right now many of our CDs just feel odd to work around with out much holding X ability for Y ability to be ready, but causing X to not be able to be used during Z.
I guess I’m not sure how much the players who remember metamorphosis fondly are attached to that particular visual, or to the idea of a transformation.
The visual was essentially Illidan’s demon form. Warlock’s are probably not going to be transforming into Illidan anymore. So, if that’s what players want, then I think it’s probably not going to happen.
If it’s the idea of a transformation, then maybe. There’s no reason why Demonology couldn’t have a cooldown that involved some type of demon form with a new appearance.
That’s essentially what we want. We’re tired of the current Demonology spec. The Demon form will be missed but the overall good will be that we won’t be slaves to our demons. We’re Demonology warlocks and we should be able to harness that power not bend our will to what the demons want (a.k.a. The horrible AI). Like Amani said, give us back Cata meta talent in place of soul conduit with a new name/visual and fixing what people hate about the spec. This would allow players to choose how they play. I wouldn’t hate the idea of removing all our mobility spells away from procs but one battle at a time.