Lol, no, they betrayed their people joining the alliance. They have nothing to claim. You have nothing to do in Silvermoon.
We also are not neutral at all. Just look for me in wm, you will see me in red, we will always be enemies, because VE are traitors to the Horde AND to the Sunwell.
*walking full of rage to drink wine in Silvermoon, with 0 void elves
Thats cool to have some quests go through but I dont want the whole zone changed to become some sort of helf and velf territory. It is a horde zone. Plus we are at “peace” now
I don’t think that’s fully true, the issue leans more that Blizzard doesn’t have the players participate in the questionable actions most of the time. Stormheim was one of those moment where we got to and Dalaran was another?
There are a few questionable things that happen that generally get glossed over by the playerbase. Most recent one is us shooting emissaries into the Void for all eternity.
More racial tension scenarios would be pretty great. No phasing or world changing needed.
or they do but they cowardly back away from it when the Alliance players inevitably complain about it, every time.
Boy I wish the devs listened to the Horde players wanting to not lose leaders every damned expansion as much as they listened to the Alliance players begging to soften the Alliance’s acts of brutality.
That’d be pretty neat actually, but then we would get into a scenario to there being outdated NPCs being in the zone. Example, the Kor’kron in the Barrens since MoP
Why would they want a city on Azeroth when they have a perfectly good rock within the Void?
Let those BEs keep their blighted, undead infested woods. A better idea would be to turn Dalaran into an Alliance only city (Dalaran being of the founding members of the Alliance and its ruler is a member of the Sons of Lothar) makes sense. We just kick those savages out and build a district just for high/void elves.
Old and small district. With the inclusion of the VEs we need a bigger district to accommodate all the HE/VEs. Since the Horde got a beautiful city like Suramar and the VEs just an ugly rock, I think it would fair to give Dalaran to Alliance elves.