Make Shield of the Righteous castable with a 2H wep

In combat, you need a gcd to swap weapons. So right now, you need to have a free gcd, 3 holy power, swap to a shield, cast SotR (which is off the gcd, at least), wait for a gcd, swap back to a 2h wep and wait for that gcd to cast anything else. All of that for ~20% armor.

Atm it makes sense for Holy and Prot, but not for Ret. Make it usable with a 2-hander weapon!


Or atleast make ret abilities usable with the 1h wep and shield


hotswap macros ftw.

I’ve been saying the same thing, its stupid that we have to swap weapons to use it while warriors can spell reflect with 2h.

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It’s like they don’t even play the game. Makes no sense to have it if we cannot use it with a two-handed weapon OR if we cannot use other rets abilities without one.

SotR is a shield bash. How can you do a shield bash without a shield?

I’m aware. That’s not the point though. It has no use to a Ret right now with all the gcds.

Ret has plenty of tools. A shield bash for ret with a 2h would be a bit much.

Also true. Which adds to the fact that SotR is unusable for Rets now, hence useless in its current state. Either change it or remove it for Ret cause it’s gonna be a dead ability all expac.

SotR is not useless for ret but you do need a 1h and shield for it. There is a conduit that gives a nice damage buff to SotR.

Punish the Guilty
Shield of the Righteous deals 50% more damage to targets affected by Judgement.

I listed all of the prot conduits I am using here


You don’t need a 1h for it, only a shield, thankfully. What I’m saying is that the defensive part of the ability, paired with the bunch of gcds you need for it, is rarely gonna be better than a Word of Glory, if ever.

For the damage part, right now it does approx. half the damage of Crusader Strike or Consecration, which are our weakest spells, so I doubt a 50% buff to it changes anything.

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The 50% buff helps for prot.

Okay, but why are you talking about Prot? This thread is specifically for Ret. I literally said above that SotR makes sense for Prot and Holy because they don’t waste gcds on wep swapping.


Blizzard did say, when they added a lot of these abilities back, that just because you have something doesn’t necessarily mean it needs to be on your bars. I feel like that sentiment holds particularly true for SotR.

I feel like my biggest issue here is that I’m not sure SotR would mitigate as much damage as a well used WoG would restore, thereby making it a less efficient option anyway.

Let’s turn Justicar’s Vengeance into an a talent that lets the Paladin equip a shield and a 2H weapon at the same time, a’la Diablo. That way SotR has a purpose and instead of an armor increase, make it a flat 20% damage reduction.

we can conjure up magical hammers, & magical blades; why can’t we conjure up a shield?

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We already conjure up two magical shields. Why would we need a third?

LMFAO so because we already have 1 CVN-21 aircraft carrier, the Gerald R. Ford we shouldn’t created anymore aircraft carriers of that class? or maybe the military should only have 1 missiles for all branches of the military because well we already have 1 missile. Your logic makes no sense, if something is useful why limit its use when there is no good reason to.

“Look, we gave you unpruning like you wanted, just not abilities you will want to use!”


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You gotta see if makes sense on a gameplay perspective. It is a game, after all. Weapon swapping mid fight isn’t a thing since what, LK, I guess?

Shield bash mainly is something that you should use to mitigate damage, so the “bash” side of it isn’t really mandatory. So change the name. Make it a magical shield to absorb magical damage. Even costing, lets say, 1 holy power.

It’s way more intelligent than just giving the ability for people not to use it. That’s just stupid.

Putting aside the fact that the Gerald Ford carrier class will be trash compared to the Nimitz class until maglev is strong enough to launch fully loaded F35s, you’re comparing apples to oranges since having multiple carriers allows for deployment in multiple areas whereas a Paladin getting a “third shield” accomplishes nothing of the sort.

Your response was anything but intellectual and, if anything, demonstrates your own shortcomings with regard to comparison and analysis.

Edit: I’m particularly excited for the new Enterprise though, as it coincides with a point in my career where I will actually be eligible to be a TAO which fulfills some childhood dreams.