Make Savage Roar Baseline

Make Savage Roar baseline again for Feral Druids and reintroduce Jagged Wounds. Our bleeds are lackluster, most of our DPS comes from Ferocious Bite now.

I personally like the option of not having to use Savage Roar. Even with the buff, I won’t be using it in Shadowlands.

While I didn’t mind SR we would be going way to far back in time. The game has evolved past those maintenance buffs.

So many other classes have bigger burst and higher damage ceilings.

I do miss the days of pulling off a complicated rotation resulted in higher dps but I think that ship has sailed.

Feral is now more like a melee affliction lock if you will, I do enjoy the sustained dmg but I do miss the days of one of the highest bursts in the game.

We need a niche and a reason to be brought to a group. As of now we are just out classed when it comes to utility and our dmg isn’t enough reason to bring us. It would have be like 20% to 50% higher than the top to change the current meme/stigma.

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There’s 3 rogue specs with basic maintenance buffs, go play one of them if you want slice and dice.

Savage roar will now be 15% extra damage. And also increase energy regen. Stack sabre tooth on top plus blood talons and thats some HUGE ferocious bites.

It’s just too much setup. Not sure the juice is worth the squeeze. With my luck, I’d get everything ready for that huge ferocious bite, and a boss mechanic would screw it up for me.

This whole idea of “damage windows” is becoming more and more prevalent and I’m really not a big fan of it. I vastly prefer smooth consistent damage to burst.

As an example, one of my biggest complaints so far as I’m gearing up my fire mage is how I hit like a wet noodle when not in a combustion window.

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Savage roar needs to be REMOVED all together, not buffed or made baseline.

We have maintenance already in the form of bleeds.


Why would you want it baseline? Do you want your damage to be balanced around the idea that you’ll have it up all the time, and therefore will be weak outside of it?


I agree on nuking savage roar away, never liked using it and ill never choose it.


As I’ve said the game has evolved past the point of Savage Roar, Old School Ferals will remember those John Madden days and smile.

But today’s game just needs SR to be put out back and be done and gone. No talent, no baseline.

I wouldn’t mind Mangle coming back though that activated the Jagged Wounds effect like the talent of Legion.

Be like 20 energy for 1 combo point 2 if crits, makes bleeds hit stronger for 20 secs or w.e and needs to maintained for max bleed dmg. This would help with combo point generation and give bleeds more umph but again this too might be a bad idea as we get balanced with this if its up or not.


SOTF sits slightly above SR right now (on live) and is obviously a passive that makes the spec significantly easier as opposed to SR. If SR pulls ahead in SL, it probably won’t be by an overly significant amount, meaning those of you who don’t like it won’t feel the need to pick it over SOTF. Any DPS you might gain from SR you will lose by messing up your rotation or losing focus on other areas of the game like mechanics. It’s a win win, it means players like me who love savage roar can pick it up and enjoy a slight DPS gain at the cost of a more complex rotation. This is exactly how talent design should be - the easy passive a little bit behind, to the point where SR would likely be a DPS loss to less skilled players.

A lot of us love SR, and if LI is viable, then that will make for some very exciting Feral dot builds (as LI snapshots with SR + TF, like all Feral bleeds).

As for OP, as much as I love SR, making it baseline is stupid. Even I know not to annoy casual players like that.

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I think this is how start of Legion was and it was a handful and recommencement of classic feraling. LI instead of Mangle but Jagged Wounds made the windows tight.

We also had the clearcast procs to be used on anything but that changed mid Legion to only affect shred, swipes at some point . . . …I wasn’t too happy about this change but alas adjusted and went with it.

About that same time LI got over shadowed by Saber tooth and well here we are again, Add fights Predator winds, Single Target with some high priority cleave Saber tooth comes out on top to maintain double big rips :slight_smile:

It’s always been a large difference in the past so most people who don’t want it will have to take it, it’s not hard…it’s just lame to spend combo points, on the spec that takes the longest to build them, to put up a timer before you can do any real damage.

There are three+ other specs with slice and dice…we don’t need a fourth. It is also the definition of lazy, copy-paste design, “press button to use resource and DO MORE DAMAGE!”. Adding complexity is fine…but don’t just be boring, all it really does is swap out 1.5 of FBites for Roar.

That Blizzard can get away with this little amount of changes…you’d think with the amount of employees they’d have 1 manager for every specialization, but I can’t imagine anyone at Blizzard playing feral saying “it’s great! I just wish Savage roar was the bis talent again”

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I’d prefer having Lotp baseline.