Make Pre-Patch as Enjoyable as Possible

No reason to make this interim period more miserable than it has to be.

  • Release ilvl 125 catch-up gear
  • Disable azerite traits
  • Disable essences

The 2nd and 3rd points won’t happen. They will always be active in zones related to bfa and non shadowlands zones. Only in the actual shadowlands will they be inactive


Ah ok. Well let’s do #1 then.

Catch up gear probably related to event they cant start yet.

Why can’t it start yet?

Because its apparently an event timed/designed to go a specific amount of weeks before expansion launch.

Ah ok. If only there was a way for them to extend that timeframe somehow. If only…

I mean. Plenty of routes to get gear in the mean time.

Considering they nerfed world quest gear hard in the prepatch, I’m surprised they’re giving any gear at all. Except maybe to raiders. That wouldn’t surprise me.



Yeah. Other than the fact they’ve been handing out high end gear to people doing group content, and are continuing to do it in SL.

Hammer time?

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So the drop rate of the highest difficulty gear has gone up? Why should I care about you getting more gear to vend out?

Why do you think it’s reasonable to expect newly leveled characters to run hundreds of dungeons to get gear that is still inferior to what a similarly newly leveled character could get a few weeks ago?

This wouldn’t make it more enjoyable and would disadvantage players who are already on 125+ gear because now they’ve lost Azerite and essences!

Atleast when SL comes out they’ll have a chance to gear themselves higher again.

Wait what?

You implied only raiders get gear. All I said is that people doing group content also get good gear.

Not at all. The paranoia of raiders knows no bounds. But that is always your starting and end point.

Hint: begrudging newly leveled characters ilvl 85 gear is actually unbecoming. Normal dungeon gear is 72. Heroic dungeon gear is 78. Mythic 0 is 85. Crafted gear is 72. It would literally take hundreds of dungeons to get a character up to 85, given the drop rate on that gear.

That is definitely an implication only raiders get gear.

I feel strongly that isn’t the case. At all.

If at lvl 50 it takes you 200+ dungeons to get an ilvl around 85…you are incredibly unlucky or something something wrong.

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I’ll try to make this as simple as possible because people are pretending to be obtuse.

  • It’s pre-patch. People want to play alts and explore changes on classes to determine what they want to play in SL.
  • BfA is over and there’s no meaningful content anyone wants to push to gear an alt out when it will all go way in a few weeks.
  • New talents were released that have broken interactions with old azerite traits and essences. These should have been disabled.
  • You can’t get meaningful feedback on how a class performs when you are undergeared. We need catch-up gear ASAP.
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You can’t get meaningful feedback on how a class performs with a SL system revamp without all of SL systems.

The meaningful balancing feedback comes from Beta.

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Yeah you can get a pretty decent idea on how classes will perform without covenants and legendaries. Is it perfect? No. Is it much better than being undergeared and having zero clue? Yes. Just because we can’t get perfect doesn’t mean we should not strive for better.

They’ll release it when they feel its time / ready.

Nice try though. Your point OP is extremely convincing.